Beijing University of Technology |
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Beijing University of Technology was founded in 1960. It is a key university under the administration of the Beijing municipal government, which has established a multi-disciplinary academic structure. The structure offers various programs and also involves in diversified academic research in the fields of science, engineering, economics, management, liberal arts and law. It is ranked as one of the 100 key universities for the 21st century. Its mission is “relying on Beijing, merging into Beijing, inspiring China and orienting itself to the world.” In fulfilling this mission, the university has become a base for cultivating qualified high-level personnel, for scientific and technological innovation and for research and development. 北京工业大学校本部位于北京市朝阳区平乐园100号,东临东四环南路,南抵左安东路,西邻西大望路,北望平乐园小区;另有三地分校区。学校占地面积为80余万平方米,建筑面积近70万平方米。 北京工业大学创建于1960年,是一所以工为主,理工、经管、文法相结合的多科性市属重点大学。1981年成为国家教育部批准的第一批硕士学位授予单位,1985年成为博士学位授予单位。1996年12月学校通过国家“211工程”预审,正式跨入国家二十一世纪重点建设的百所大学的行列。 北京工业大学对外汉语教学的教学对象是母语为非汉语的外国人和海外华人华侨。教学以提高学生汉语语言能力和汉语交际能力为主要目标,对外汉语教研室开设从半年到三年期间内的非学历教育的汉语长期进修课程,也开设短期汉语文化进修课程。其性质属于第二语言教学。 Course for International Students Long-term chinese language course Excellent goal-oriented educational language programs are offered in this university. All teachers have excellent academic backgrounds and a wealth of teaching experience. We maximize the use of our campus and the city of Beijing as a natural environment for language development in order to efficiently improve our students’ abilities to listen, speak, read, and write Chinese. Students will take a placement exam on the first day of each semester and are arrange into different classes accordingly. There are 10-20 students in each class. Short-term chinese language program How to apply? Application period Application materials Remarks: Only for those who wish to study for more than one year are required to submit Medical check report. The original physical record, X-ray results, and other original documents should be included. If they fail in preparing this document at their home countries, they may have the medical check in China upon their arrival. Application submission You will be sent an acknowledgement as soon as the University has received your application. Decision in one week If your application is successful, you will receive: Fees Short-term chinese language programs: Adds: No.100 Pingleyuan, Chaoyang, Beijing, China 100022 Tel: 010-67391465 Website: Chinese Education | Project 211 | Top University in China
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