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Beijing Normal University (BNU) has a history of more than 100 years, which is almost as long as the history of Chinese modern education. The University has developed from the Faculty of Education, Capital Metropolitan University established in 1902 under the concept of Establish school, prioritize teacher education,which initiated teacher training in Chinese higher education. After several times of merging and reforming since 1949, especially in the 1980s, Beijing Normal University has moved into the new age of rapid development. The University’s history is an epitome of the development of modern teacher training and Chinese higher education. Beijing Normal University lays great emphasis on exchange and cooperation with educational institutions nationally, regionally and internationally, making every endeavor to pursue the global prestige. Throughout its development in more than one hundred years, Beijing Normal University has always been developing along the route of self-improvement. It has never stopped the efforts in deepening the educational reform and has steadily raised the level and quality of education. In addition, BNU has attached great importance to academic development and shaped herself into a moderately-scoped, reasonably-structured, diversified and comprehensive university. BNU is committed to the development of research, increasing research funding rapidly and achieving a number of high level research outcomes. 北京师范大学是教育部直属重点大学,是一所以教师教育、教育科学和文理基础学科为主要特色的著名学府。学校前身是1902年创立的京师大学堂师范馆,1908年改称京师优级师范学堂,独立设校。1912年改名为北京高等师范学校。1923年更名为北京师范大学,成为中国历史上第一所师范大学。1931年、1952年北平女子师范大学、辅仁大学先后并入北京师范大学。百余年来,北京师范大学始终同中华民族争取独立、自由、民主、富强的进步事业同呼吸、共命运,在五四、一二九等爱国运动中发挥了重要作用。以李大钊、鲁迅、梁启超、钱玄同、吴承仕、黎锦熙、陈垣、范文澜、侯外庐、钱穆、白寿彝、钟敬文、启功、胡先骕、汪堃仁、周廷儒等为代表,一大批名师先贤在这里弘文励教。经过百余年的发展,学校秉承“爱国进步、诚信质朴、求真创新、为人师表”的优良传统和“学为人师,行为世范”的校训精神,形成了“治学修身,兼济天下”的育人理念。 “七五”、“八五”期间,学校被确定为国家首批重点建设的十所大学之一。“九五”期间,又被首批列入“211工程”建设计划。2002年,百年校庆之际,教育部和北京市决定重点共建北京师范大学,北京市第九次党代会将北京师范大学列入支持建设的世界一流大学的行列。“十五”期间,学校进入国家“985工程”建设计划. The Chinese Language & Culture College of Beijing Normal University is founded on the basis of the Chinese Teaching Center (1965—1996) and the College for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (1996—2000). The college has nearly 40 years of experience teaching Chinese as a second language. As Beijing Normal University's important gateway to the world, the Chinese Language & Culture College shoulders the responsibility of teaching foreign students (including undergraduate students, long-term students and short-term students) coming to China to study Chinese language and culture. The college also fosters the native and foreign post-graduate students majoring in linguistics and applied linguistics and/or Chinese language and character study. In addition, the university provides training for teachers teaching Chinese as a second language and also promotes research in this field. The college is a comprehensive teaching and research institute, admitting more than 1,000 foreign students every year. 北京师范大学“汉语文化学院”是在原“对外汉语教学中心”(1965—1996)和“对外汉语教育学院”(1996-2000)的基础上建立的。在把汉语作为第二语言进行教学方面,我们已经有了近40年的经验。 汉语文化学院作为北师大对外开放的一个重要窗口,担负着培养前来学习汉语和中国文化的各国留学生(其中包括本科生和长期、短期语言生)以及“语言学及应用语言学”、“汉语言文字学”两个专业的中外博士研究生、硕士研究生的教学任务,同时,还担负着培训国内外汉语教学师资以及有关对外汉语教学学科学术研究的任务。学院以教学和科研为主体,是一个综合性的教学研究实体,每年在我院学习的各种类型的留学生千余名。 The college has a well-structured placement system. New students take placement exams that help assign them to classes of different levels according to their Chinese proficiency. Students who have very different developments in their oral and reading abilities may choose courses across grades accordingly. After dividing the students into different classes, the students have 2 weeks to attend their courses and decide if they are suitable. Students studying Chinese in the college for 6 months or more will be put into the classes of the 4-year undergraduate system. For example, they will be placed in classes numbered 100 to 402. 100 is the preparatory class for students who have not learned Chinese before. 101 and 402 represent the first semester of the first grade and the second semester of the fourth grade respectively. Students of different classes but of the same level have the same teaching materials, keep the same pace of teaching progress and take the same examination. Before each semester ends, students can evaluate their teacher's teaching. The undergraduate students take courses based on the credit system. The courses can be divided into the following 3 types: courses on language skills, linguistics, and Chinese literature and culture. Some of the courses are compulsory and some are optional. Language skills courses include reading, oral class, listening comprehension, newspaper and magazine reading, etc.; linguistics courses mainly include modern Chinese, ancient Chinese and language theory; Chinese literature and culture courses mainly include Chinese modern literature, Chinese society and customs, etc. The college also offers business Chinese and executive Chinese for diplomats and businessmen working in China . Students may also take electives such as HSK preparation, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting and Wushu. Adds: 19 Xinjiekou Wai Street, Beijing 100875, P. R. CHINA 地址:北京市新街口外大街19号 邮编:100875 Email:
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