Beijing Youth Politics College |
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Beijing Youth Politics College (BJYPC) is a public school of higer education with a long history of more than 50 years. The former Chinese president Deng Xiaoping personally inscribed the name of the college. Many state leaders have studied here: Li Ruihuan was the former chairman of the CPPCC (the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) and Ni Zhifu was the former vice chairman of NPC (the National People's Congress). The college has two campuses at Wangjing and Jinzhan. It has more than 4000 full-time students at present and more than 6000 international students, night students, advanced occupational self-teaching students and correspondence students. It offers more than 20 specialties: Language, Law, Art, Computer Application, Management, Education etc.. BJYPC also offers many forms of adult education programs as well as Chinese language teaching to international students. The College attaches great importance to international dialogue and cooperation and works with UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and other educational institutions in scores of countries and regions, including Canada , the USA , Germany , the UK , France , Australia , South Korea , Japan , Vietnam , Singapore , Malaysia , Hong Kong and Macau . In addition, the College and educational institutions in Canada cooperate in running Beijing Telfort Business Institute. Telfort has launched a professional education program, including both degree and non-degree adult education programs. These programs typically run six years. Specialties include Electronic Commerce, International Commerce, and Industrial /Commercial Management. 中国青年政治学院是在共青团中央团校的基础上于1985年成立的。她是一所适应国家现代化建设和社会发展需要,培养政治素质高、专业基础扎实、实践能力强、具备现代管理素质、熟悉青年工作的复合型人才的普通高等院校。 学院图书馆藏书56万多册。拥有比较完备的教学设备和现代化教学手段。电教中心具有制作电视节目的全套设备,计算机房、外语语音实验室、新闻摄影实验室、多功能实验室、社会经济系统分析模拟实验室、社会工作实验室、体育馆等都在教学中发挥了重要作用。后勤服务设施比较齐全,为师生提供了良好的生活、学习、工作条件。 中国青年政治学院是一所以本科教学为主,具备多形式、多层次、多规格、多专业办学能力的普通高等学校。目前,学院开设思想政治教育、政治学与行政学、法学、社会工作、劳动与社会保障、经济学、国际经济与贸易、新闻学、广播电视新闻学、汉语言文学十个本科专业;思想政治教育、法学、社会工作三个专业开设第二学士学位班。同时,学院还承担留学生教育、高等职业技术教育、成人继续教育等不同形式的教育。学院在本科教育中实行全面学分制,以利于学生自主学习、个性发展。毕业生以综合素质高、工作能力强、适应角色快的鲜明特点获得用人单位的普遍赞誉。学院继承和发扬了中央团校的光荣传统,形成“实事求是,朝气蓬勃”的优良校风。学院积极开展对外学术交流,与20多个国家和地区建立联系,并互派代表团访问或讲学。 The Chinese Language Education Center for Foreigners (CLECF) at the China Youth University for Political Sciences (CYUPS) is responsible for recruiting international students or scholars to CYUPS's non-degree and degree study programs. The CLECF handles the process of advertisement, consultation and enrolment and is in charge of offering the related courses, registration and student services as well. The CLECF provides various training programs related to Chinese language for the potential corporations and individuals. The language training programs include Elementary Chinese program, special combined courses associated with Chinese economy, culture, market and trade. Chinese language teaching in our college has the following features: Small classes —more opportunity to practice in limited time; Multiple courses—meet various needs of students,supply individual teaching(one teacher one student teaching model) Professional teachers – with rich teaching experience & researching ability; Free time—you can find a time that suits you best Whole term consulting—professional consultant provides all possible aids; Incentive system—students with excellent academic record can apply for scholarship. The CLECF strives to provide excellent environment for Chinese learning and manages the courses flexibly to meet the student’s needs. The faculty and staff, professionally trained and well experienced, are eager to provide services and expertise to foreigners willing to study Chinese and understand Chinese culture. The colorful sightseeing and field studies are carried out regularly, which enables the students to enjoy the Chinese culture and enhance language skills practically outside of classroom. 对外汉语教学中心是中国青年政治学院从事外国留学生招生及管理工作的专门机构,全面负责各类外国留学生的对外宣传、咨询和招生、录取工作,以及外国留学生入学后的学习、学籍管理及日常生活管理工作。同时,对外汉语教学中心还向各类团体及个人提供包括基础汉语在内的多种语言培训项目,以及有关中国经济和文化、商贸等内容的进修课程。 对外汉语教学中心拥有良好的汉语教学环境和设有灵活多样的课程,全体工作人员均受过专门培训,教学经验丰富,为希望学习汉语、了解和研究中国文化的人士及准备来我院学习汉语言的外国留学生提供了较便利的条件。学院经常组织丰富多彩的旅游和教学实践活动,在您接受良好教育之余,可轻松愉快地了解中国文化,提高实践活动能力。 对外汉语教学中心还为每个班配备一名班主任(每班留学生不超过18人),全面负责班内留学生在华期间的学习、生活等问题。 Course arrangements According to the disciplines of Chinese education, the courses are given to small groups of students, no more than 18 for each group. Two elementary Chinese language programs available: short-term and one-year-length. With short-term program, all the courses are compulsory. The courses are designed in three categories: character recognition, listening and speaking, analytic reading. Besides the compulsory language courses, the tutorial assistances are made available in the afternoons to complement course learning. No less than 18 class hours are provided each week. Each semester is composed of 18 to 20 weeks. Completion and Certificate Enrolment and Schooling Schedule The one-semester-long program starts in the fall and spring. To attend the one-semester-long program, the participants must register for at least one semester. Right after registration process, the participants take the placement test and are divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced classes according to their Chinese language levels. The short-term program runs around the year and its length is normally within two months. Individual students may join in at any time in between the program’s course. The test is required in order to place the students in a certain level program. The group enrolment (no less than 10) is accepted at any time and its schooling may vary from 2 weeks to 2 months. 课程设置 根据学习汉语的教学经验,实施小班授课的方法,每班不超过18人。开设的汉语基础教学课程分为短期、常年两类。其中短期类汉语教学每周课堂教学最低课时18课时,所有课程均为必修课。课程系列主要围绕汉字识记、听说演练、阅读分析三方面编排。除语言类必修课程外,每周下午还安排有适当时间的辅导课程,配合课堂教学。例如: 证书颁发 开学时间: Adds: Foreign Affairs Office, cyups, 25 Xisanhuan Beilu, Beijing, China, 100089 地址: 北京海淀区西三环北路25号,中国青年政治学院 100089 电话: 86-10-88567101 网址: Best Universities in China | Chinese Education | 211 Project
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