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Home Travelling What is Train Travel Like in China?
What is Train Travel Like in China?

TrainTrain travel is an interesting, inexpensive and safe way of getting around China. It offers you more chances to get to know Chinese people.

In China, the accommodations on the train are divided into four categories: soft-sleeper, soft-seat, hard-sleeper and hard-seat. Most of the carriages are air-conditioned. However, if you have to take a long journey, it’s better for you to take a sleeper carriage. If the journey is no more than 8 hours, and a day trip, you can take a seat carriage.

SleeperPlease be aware that each carriage has only two washrooms, on each end of the carriage, and there is hot-water supply for free in the carriage, but without shower or tub. Meals and drinks can be purchased in the dining carriage, but they are not so delicious and always expensive.

During national holidays, spring festivals, and student's vacations, there are many people at the train station and on the train so that you’d better stagger these congestion periods.

You should book a train ticket through travel agency or ticket agent ahead of time to guarantee that you can buy the tickets you want.


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