Earthquake in Sichuan Province Wenchuan |
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![]() Death toll in China quake exceeds 12,000 The toll of the dead and missing soared as rescue workers dug through flattened schools and homes on Tuesday in a desperate attempt to find survivors of China's worst earthquake in three decades.The official Xinhua News Agency said the death toll exceeded 12,000 in Sichuan province alone, and 18,645 were still buried in debris in the city of Mianyang, near the epicenter of Monday's massive, 7.9-magnitude quake. ![]() The Sichuan Daily newspaper reported on its Web site that more than 26,000 people were injured in Mianyang. The numbers of casualties was expected to rise due to the remoteness of the areas affected by the quake and difficulty in finding buried victims. There was little prospect that many survivors would be found under the rubble. Only 58 people were extricated from demolished buildings across the quake area so far, China Seismological Bureau spokesman Zhang Hongwei told Xinhua. In one county, 80 percent of the buildings were destroyed. ![]() More than two dozen British and American tourists who were thought to be panda-watching in the area also remained missing. Officials urged the public not to abandon hope. For those who are looking to contribute to current aid efforts underway, you can now donate money to the Red Cross Society of China which has formed a disaster relief working group to be dispatched to the earthquake-stricken Wenchuan County in Sichuan. They have also published an emergency relief hotline, along with bank account information to receive donations to assist their cause: Account name: Red Cross Society of China 开户单位:中国红十字会总会 For those who want to donate in RMB: you can send money to the RMB account at the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China branch below: 人民币开户行: 中国工商银行 北京分行东四南支行 人民币账号: 0200001009014413252 For those who want to donate in foreign currency, you can send money to the foreign currency account at the CITIC Bank branch below: 外币开户行:中信银行酒仙桥支行 外币账号: 7112111482600000209 Hotline: (8610) 65139999 Online donations: Red Cross Society of China website: Click the tab for online donations. 中国红十字会总会救灾专用账号和热线: 1、通过银行捐款开户单位:中国红十字会总会 人民币开户行:中国工商银行北京分行东四南支行 人民币账号:0200001009014413252 外币开户行:中信银行酒仙桥支行 外币账号:7112111482600000209 2、通过邮局捐款收款人: 中国红十字会总会地址:北京市东城区北新桥三条8号邮政编码:100007 3、通过网上捐款登陆中国红十字会总会网站:点击进入“网上捐赠”栏目,按照提示操作即可。 ![]() 4、通过短信捐款: 中国移动、中国联通手机用户以及中国电信、中国网通小灵通用户均可编辑短信1或2,发送至1069999301,即向“红十字救援行动”捐款1元钱或2元钱。(通过银行、邮局和网上捐款在捐款时请注明捐款人姓名、通信地址、捐款意向如:四川地震捐款等信息,以便邮寄捐赠收据和感谢信) 5、通过短信咨询: 中国移动、中国联通手机用户以及中国电信、中国网通小灵通用户均可编辑短信“中国红十字会”,发送至12114,即可了解中国红十字会有关情况。 中国红十字会总会捐赠热线和查询电话: 捐赠热线:010-65139999、64027620(白天)。 source from: