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Home Medical & Health The 5th Interherb
The 5th Interherb
Medical & Health
Event Date: June 5-7, 2008
Venue: Qingdao International Convention Center
Exhibits Profile:
Food supplement, finished products; TCM decoction piece; Natural extraction; Herbal medicine; Healthcare product material; R&D; TCM machinery.
Visitor Profile:
TCM producers; Hospital medicament department; Drug stores & hospitals; Food product companies; Agent; Import & Export companies; Healthcare product companies; Healthcare product specialized retailers.


Interherb is the only standardized international TCM raw materials & food supplement show with the highest level in China. Interherb is the ideal location for industry practitioners to source international & local healthcare products. It provides an effective exchange platform for both international and local enterprises seeking to expand their market, develop international cooperation, display & sell products, promote their brand image and upgrade their international reputations. It is the unique event specifically focusing on natural healthcare products in China.
Event website:

主承办单位:国药励展展览有限责任公司(Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions)
展品范围: 天然药物: 植物药、中成药、民族药、中药饮片 保健品: 保健食品、健康饮料、保健酒、保健茶、增减肥保健产品、保健用品、保健器械、保健治疗仪、残疾人康复保健品等 功能性产品: 功能水、功能食品。