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Home Sports, Entertainment & Art Sound of Angel- Declan Galbraith Beijing Concert 2008
Sound of Angel- Declan Galbraith Beijing Concert 2008
Sports, Entertainment & Art
Venue:Beijing Exhibition Theater, No.135 Xizhimen Wai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing
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Tel: 86-10-64177845

Declan Galbraith (born December 19, 1991, in Hoo St Werburgh, Kent, England) is an English singer of Scottish and Irish origin.

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He has been hailed as a'once in a lifetime'phenomenal talent and a rising media star.The control and range of his voice, as well as his ability to interpret and adapt material of differing genres, are the cornerstones of his unique talent.
Declan Galbraith and his family live in the UK, in Hoo, a village near Rochester, Kent.

The presence for Declan’s unique style and distinctive voice can be traced back to his early childhood. He would often accompany his grandfather's perforances at local folk concerts. Declan would sit for hours just watching and listening. Declan claims he can remember singing at two years old. It wasn’t long before his family and friends realized he had a very special gift.

At the age of eight, he started entering local talent competitions and won sixteen titles in just fourteen months. He was spotted by one of the major recording companies at one of these talent competitions and before long he was signed as a recording artist.

His first recording was a version of ‘Walking in the Air’,which was released on a special Christmas Hits album which also featured Westlife, Elton John and Elvis Presley among many others.

In a short period of time, Declan had become a well-known celebrity and has appeared in numerous television programs, newspapers and radio shows all over the UK and Ireland. Included among some of his most memorable appearances are the following: the Queen’s Jubilee at St Paul's Cathedral, where he sang ‘Amazing Grace’ accompanied by the St Paul’s choir and at an Elton John concert where at least twenty-two thousand listeners were present.

Two stunningly received impromptu appearances on Germany’s biggest TV shows led German media giant Pro7/Sat1 Media to bring Declan to its new record label Starwatch, distributed by Warner Bros. In cooperation with multi-platinum German producer Ully Jonas, the resulting album, entitiled Thank You, is scheduled for release on December 1, 2006.

迪克兰Declan Galbraith北京演唱会
时间: 5月24日 19:30
演出场馆: 北展剧场
票 价: 180/280/480/680/880/1280

(Declan Galbraith)迪克兰 加尔布雷斯音乐历程:





2002年11月,发行第二张专辑《Tell me Why》;

成名曲 视频

2006年4月,最新专辑发行。《YOU AND ME》

(Declan Galbraith)迪克兰 加尔布雷斯介绍:

迪克兰 加尔布雷斯DECLAN的生于1991年12月19日 Declan Galbraith4岁开始展露歌唱天赋;8岁那年,他开始参加一些音乐比赛,并在14个月中曾经获得16个大奖。最后Emi(百代)以超过百万英镑之巨,签了他3年,并承诺发行3张唱片。

Declan的声音,清亮脱俗,演唱歌曲的范畴也是极广。从流行的Angels之类到Carrickfergus这样传统的爱尔兰歌曲,他都把握得不错。 除了天使般的声音,Declan小小年纪,已经表现星探们热衷的所谓“明星气质”--一头松软的深色头发,浓密的睫毛,明亮清澈的蓝眼睛,充满童真颇富感染力的笑容,还有满满的自信。
