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Home Travel in China China Travel Guide
China Travel Guide
Beijing Hutong
Travel in Beijing

Beijing HutongA hutong (hú tong 胡同) is an ancient city alley or lane typical in Beijing, where hutongs run into the several thousand. Surrounding the Forbidden City (gù gōng 故宫 ), many were built during the Yuan (1206-1341), Ming(1368-1628) and Qing(1644-1908) dynasties. In the prime of these dynasties the emperors, in order to establish supreme power for themselves, planned the city and arranged the residential areas according to the etiquette systems of the Zhou Dynasty. The center of the city of Beijing was the royal palace -- the Forbidden City.

Yonghegong Lamasery (Lama Temple)
Travel in Beijing

Yonghegong LamaseryYonghegong (雍和宫 the Palace of Harmony and Peace),popularly known as the” Lama Temple” , is a famous lamasery in the northeastern part of Beijing.It is located next to the northern side of the Second Ring Road,with Bai Lin Si ( Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 the Cypress Grove Temple)to its east and the Temple of Confucius and the Imperial Academy to the west.Yonghegong Lamasery is the largest lamasery and one of the best preserved lama temples at the present time in Beijing with a total area of 66,400 square meters,480 meters long from north to south and 120 meters wide from east to west.Yonghegong Lamasery is also a well—known monastery of the Gelugpa,the Yellow Sect of Tibetan Buddhism in Mainland China.In 1961,it was listed as one of China’s major national treasures under state protection.

Beijing Zoo
Travel in Beijing

Beijing Zoo

Beijing Zoo (Běijīngdòng wùyuán 北京动物园), situated in the west part of Beijing. It was built in 1908, known as the Garden of Ten Thousand Animals. In 1955 it was formally named Beijing Zoo.

It covered an area of over 40,000 square meters. Bears, elephants, pandas, lions, tigers, songbirds, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, antelopes and giraffes were brought in the late 1950s, and a gorilla cage, leaf-monkey cage and aquarium house, was opened, containing specimens of over 100 species of reptiles from all over the world, including crocodiles and pythons.

Let's Enjoy the Mountains(Mt.Tai)
Travel in Shandong

China's spectacular mountain landscapes attract the professional climber and wide-eyed adventurer alike. Serious climbers are drawn to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to scale the challenging summit of Mt. Everest -known as Mt. Qomolongma in China- the tallest peak in the world. And others naturally gravitate to China's Five Sacred Mountain Peaks, which Han Emperor Wu Di declared sacred in the 2nd century BC.
Given the weather, May is one of the best seasons for climbing up the mountains. So do not hesitate, follow us and let’s enjoy the mountain.
Pingyao Ancient City
Travel in Shanxi

Pingyao (Chinese: 平遥; pinyin: Píngyáo) is a Chinese city and county in central Shanxi province. It lies about 715 km from Beijing and 80 km from the provincial capital, Taiyuan. During the Qing Dynasty, Pingyao was a financial center of China. It is now renowned for its well-preserved ancient city wall, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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