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Home Travel in China China Travel Guide
China Travel Guide
Jingshan Park
Travel in Beijing


Jingshan Park (jǐng shān gōng yuán 景山公园), the highest point in Beijing City was built in 1179 during the Jin Dynasty and has a history of more than 800 years. This Park is located directly to the north of the Forbidden City's Shenwu Gate. Visitors will discover that Beihai Park is located directly to the west of Jingshan Park. Further north again from Jingshan Park, the Bell and Drum Towers are located at the top of Di An Men Da Jie.

Let's Enjoy the Mountains(Mt.Wuyi)
Travel in Fujian

China's spectacular mountain landscapes attract the professional climber and wide-eyed adventurer alike. Serious climbers are drawn to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to scale the challenging summit of Mt. Everest -known as Mt. Qomolongma in China- the tallest peak in the world. And others naturally gravitate to China's Five Sacred Mountain Peaks, which Han Emperor Wu Di declared sacred in the 2nd century BC.
Given the weather, May is one of the best seasons for climbing up the mountains. So do not hesitate, follow us and let’s enjoy the mountain.

Let's Enjoy the Mountains(Mt.Song)
Travel in Henan

China's spectacular mountain landscapes attract the professional climber and wide-eyed adventurer alike. Serious climbers are drawn to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to scale the challenging summit of Mt. Everest -known as Mt. Qomolongma in China- the tallest peak in the world. And others naturally gravitate to China's Five Sacred Mountain Peaks, which Han Emperor Wu Di declared sacred in the 2nd century BC.
Given the weather, May is one of the best seasons for climbing up the mountains. So do not hesitate, follow us and let’s enjoy the mountain.
National Aquatics Center (Water Cube)
Travel in Beijing

National Aquatics Center

The National Swimming Center (guó jiā yóu yǒng zhōng xīn 国家游泳中心), one of the three landmark buildings for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, is located inside the Beijing Olympic Park (Guójiā ào lín pǐkè gōng yuán 国家奥林匹克公园). A semi-transparent "cube", with "bubbles" spread out all over its surface, is a shape very similar to the structure of "H2O", the outlook for the National Swimming Center at the 2008 Olympic Games. In Chinese culture, water is an important natural element. It creates a calming atmosphere and inspires happiness. Taking full consideration of the functions of water in recreation and bodybuilding, designers have explored many ways for people of different age groups to appreciate its function. The design is called "Water Cube".

An Oasis at Shichahai
Travel in Beijing


Strolling through Shichahai (shíchàhǎi 什刹海), it's hard to believe you are in the middle of a bustling metropolis.Whether you're out for your daily walk or you want a serene place to share a drink with a friend, you will leave Shichahai feeling content.

The lakes create a focal point for the many eateries that surround them. Willow trees line the shore, providing shade for those playing traditional Chinese chess.

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