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Home Travel in China China Travel Guide
China Travel Guide
The World Park in Beijing
Travel in Beijing

The World Park in BeijingThe Beijing World Park (běi jīng shìjiè gōng yuán北京世界公园), located in southwestern Fengtai (fēng tái 丰台) District, is 17 kilometers from Tian'anmen and 40 kilometers from the Capital International Airport. The park has 100 world-famous man-made and natural attractions from nearly 50 countries throughout the world.

The park covers an area of 46.7 hectares. The layout is modeled after the five continents and four oceans, incorporating different spectacles and folklore of the world. Most of the architectural structures are built from marble, some with exquisite carvings. These reproductions are vivid.

Wofo Temple
Travel in Beijing

Wofo Temple

Wofo Temple (wò fó sì 卧佛寺)(Temple of the Reclining Buddha) is located inside the Beijing Botanical Gardens, almost 1 km east of the Fragrant Hills.

About 20 kilometers from central Beijing proper, the rear of the temple is set against the mountain cliffs, with its front to open fields.

The temple was first built during the Zhenguan period (627-249) of the Tang Dynasty, when it was also known as Shouansi (Temple of Peaceful Longevity).

Beijing Botanical Garden
Travel in Beijing

Beijing Botanical Garden


Beijing Botanical Garden (Běijīng Zhíwùyuán北京植物园), lying in the foot of the West Hill of Beijing, has by tradition been engaged in the conservation of the native flora, especially plants from northern, northeastern and northwestern China. Its attention is also concentrated on

Tiananmen Square
Travel in Beijing

Tiananmen SquareTian'anmen Square (tiān ān mén guǎng chǎng 天安门广场) is the heart and symbol of Beijing and is the biggest square in the world. Tiananmen ( Gate of Heaven Peace ), which is on the north of the square, is originally the frontispiece of the imperial city of Ming and Qing Dynasties, constructed in the fifteenth year of Ming Yong Le. The original name of it is the Gate of Heavenly Succession (Chentianmen), which means shouldering the duty from the Heaven. In the eighth year of Emperor Shunzhi (shùn zhì dì 顺治帝) of Qing dynasty it was reconstructed and got its name Tian An Men Rostrum. Tiananmen Rostrum is 33.7 meters high, it is a peak city gate tower with double eaves. The Rostrum is nine Ying wide and five rooms deep. Numbers nine and five symbolize the most superiorily.

Juyongguan Pass
Travel in Beijing

Juyongguan PassJuyongguan Pass (jū yōng guān 居庸关) is located at 50 kilometers northwest of downtown Beijing.The mountains flanking the valley have many graceful peaks.The slopes on both sides of their narrow passes are covered with dense trees and plants.So it used to be one of the famous“Eight Views of Yanjing”.There was a 20—kilometer—long valley called “Guangou” from south to north with 4 passes along the valley named “Nankou,Juyongguan, Shangguan and Badaling”.They were of great strategic importance in defending the national capital Beijing.Juyongguan Pass is one of them.

The 20—kilometer—long valley flanked by mountains was considered a screen of vital importance in the defense of Beijing in ancient times.Juyongguan Pass was one of the important passes along the valley,and also one of the most famous passes of the Great Wall.It was built in a mountain gap between mountain peaks with only one road leading to the capital Beijing, which determined its military significance in ancient times through many dynasties and it has been a contested point place by military strategists through the ages.In history it witnessed several battles that decided the fate of some dynasties. In 1122,the Jin court empire(1115—1234)1ed the army,took Juyong Pass first,then marched on to Beijing and finally overthrew the Liao Dynasty(907—1125).The troops of the Ming also first took the Pass before they attacked Beijing,the capital of the Yuan Dynasty(1206—1368).Some 277 years later,the peasants’ uprising troops led by Li Zicheng did the same thing in 1644 and overthrew the Ming Dynasty.From these we can see how important role that Juyong Pass played in the history.

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