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Beijing Art Museum
Travel in Beijing

Beijing Art MuseumBeijing Art Museum (běi jīng yì shù bó wù guǎn 北京艺术博物馆) is located in Wanshou Temple(the Temple of Longevity). Wanshou Temple (wàn shòu sì 万寿寺) was built in 1577 under the reign of Wanli (wàn lǐ 万历) Emperor of the Ming dynasty to store Buddhist scriptures in Chinese. It gradually became a temporary imperial dweling and a place of birthday celebration for the imperial family during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The People's Government of Beijing Municipal City declared Wanshou Temple one of the city's "Key Cultural Heritage of Preservation" in August 1979. Having a reputation for "Mini-Forbidden-City in West Beijing", the construction of Temple consists of eastern, middle and western sections. Up till now, only the middle and the western sections remain well preserved.

Beijing Stone Carving Art Museum
Travel in Beijing

Zhenjue Temple Beijing Stone Carving Art Museum (běi jīng shí kè bó wù guǎn北京石刻博物馆) specializeds museum in collecting, preserving, researching and displaying stone carving artifacts founded in the Beijing area. The museum is located at the site of Zhenjue Temple(Five Pagodas Temple), 24 Wutasi, Baishiqiao Road, Haidian District, Beijing.

The red walls, grey tiles, old trees, and ancient pagodas are set off in peaceful and seclusion. The new display has two parts, Outdoor Stone Carving Showcase and Indoor Galleries of Beijing Stone Carving Culture Exhibition, Stone Carving Gems in Beijing, Beijing Stone Carving Investigation&Conservation Achievements, and Vajrasana Exhibition at Zhenjue Temple. The museum can be called Beijing's Stone Carving Forest. These stone artifacts outline the stone carving cultural history of Beijing.

Prince Gong's Mansion
Travel in Beijing

Prince Gong's Mansion

Prince Gong's Mansion (gōng wángfǔ 恭王府) is Beijing's largest and the best preserved Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) princely mansion and is located at Qianhai (qián hǎi 前海) west street to the north of Shichahai (shíchà hǒi 什刹海). This fine example of ancient Chinese architecture with its cultural connotations is important not only for its aesthetic value but as an asset to those who wish to study the lifestyle of the privileged classes in the feudal society of a bygone era; it also has an interesting history.

The Ruins of the Yuanmingyuan
Travel in Beijing

The Ruins of the Yuanmingyuan

Yuanmingyuan (yuán míng yuán 圆明园) (Garden of perfect splendor) is renowned throughout the world for its fabled charms and association with Chinese modern history. Extolled as the "Garden of Gardens" and the "Versailles of the East" during its heyday. It was an imperial summer resort painstakingly built and repeatedly expanded under the personal supervision of five emperors of the Qing Dynasty.

The White Cloud Taoist Temple
Travel in Beijing

The White Cloud Taoist TempleThe White Cloud Taoist Temple (bái yún sì 白云寺) is in southwestern Beijing, directly behind the Broadcasting Building. It was called the Temple of Heavenly Eternity during the Tang Dynasty and the Temple of the Great Ultimate during the Jin Dynasty. It is the largest Daoist architectural complex in Beijing and was the headquarters for the Dragon Gate sect. Although historical records indicate that there were Daoist temples in Beijing during the Tang Dynasty, it was not until the early Yuan Dynasty that they came to be built on a large scale.

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