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Home Travel in China China Travel Guide
China Travel Guide
Guijie Street
Travel in Beijing

Guijie Street

Red lanterns, traditional courtyards, hundreds of restaurants along the street ......This is Guijie Street (guǐ jiē 簋街), Beijing's famous eating street, known to locals as 'Ghost Street'. Eating on Ghost Street is about more than food and drink, it's a way of life for many Beijingers.

National Stadium
Travel in Beijing

"Bird's Nest (niǎo cháo 鸟巢)" is jointly designed by Herzog and De Meuron Architekten AG, Switzerland, and China Architecture Design Institute. It gained high praise and also aroused most controversy.

National Grand Theater
Travel in Beijing
National Grand Theater
According to French architect Paul Andrew, National Centre for the performing arts looks like a huge green park with an oval and silver grand theater encircled by green water. The shell, made of titanium metal and glass together with day and night lights adds radiance and beauty to each other, and has fast-changing colors. The surroundings of the Grand Theater are semi-transparent, golden netted glass walls. People can see the sky inside the building through its dome. Some people describe the complete Grand Theater as "a crystal drop of water", other people call it a "big egg shell" or "boiled egg".
Beijing 798 Art District (798 艺术区)
Travel in Beijing

798 art district"798 " (798 yì shù qǖ 798 艺术区) is located in the Dashanzi (dà shān zi 大山子) area, to the northeast of central Beijing.It is the site of state-owned factories including Factory 798, which originally produced electronics. Beginning in 2002, artists and cultural organizations began to divide, rent out, and re-make the factory spaces, gradually developing them into galleries, art centers, artists' studios, design companies, restaurants, and bars.It became a "Soho-esque" area of international character, replete with "loft living," attracting attention from all around. Bringing together contemporary art, architecture, and culture with a historically interesting location and an urban lifestyle, "798" has evolved into a cultural concept, of interest to experts and normal folk alike, influential on our concepts of both urban culture and living space.

The Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple
Travel in Beijing

altThe Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple (Dà zhōng sì 大钟寺) is situated in the Northern Sanhuan Road West, Haidian District, Beijing. It was originally the Temple of Awakening which was built in the 11th year of the reign of Emperor Yongzheng (yōngzhèng 雍正) in the Qing Dynasty(1733). Beijing Municipal Government approved the establishment of the Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple in November 1984. It is the only museum specialized in tourism, collection, study and exhibition in China.

Standing from south to north were the principal buildings like the Main Gate, the Deva-King Hall, the Hall of Mahavira, the Hall of Avalokitesvara, the Tower of Scriputures and the Big Bell Tower. It takes an area of 30,000 square meters. The national treasure Yongle Bell is housed in the most featured Big Bell Tower. It is 675 centimeters in height, 330 centimeters in rim diameter and 46,500 kilograms in weight. The bell was covered entirely with Buddhist sutras and incantations in Han and Sanskrit languages, totaling more than 230,000 characters.

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