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Home Travel in China China Travel Guide
China Travel Guide
Sleepless in Beijing—Wudaokou Pub Reviews
Travel in Beijing
Linked by light train to city center and marked by tons of fancy restaurants and trendy bars, Wudaokou (Haidian District) surely is the ideal place to start a night. With Tsinghua, Beijing Language and Culture University and other colleges around, pubs here carry a unique air. Check out places listed here and party up—publife in this downtown place just seems more and more fun!
Travel Guide in Beijing
Travel in Beijing
Tian an men

Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China (zhōng huá rén mín gòng hé guó 中华人民共和国) is the nation's political, cultural, scientific and educational heart as well as a key transportation hub. Beijing has served as the capital of the country for more than 800 years dating back to the Yuan Dynasty. The city has many places of historic interest and scenic beauty, including the Forbidden City -- the largest and best preserved ancient architectural complex in the world; the Temple of Heaven - where Ming and Qing emperors performed solemn rituals for bountiful harvests; the Summer Palace  -- the emperors' magnificent garden retreat; the Ming tombs -- the stately and majestic mausoleums of 13 Ming Dynasty emperors; and the world-renowned and genuinely inspiring Badaling section of the Great Wall. Large-scale construction has brought great changes to Beijing since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 which has added many new attractions to this mysterious old city.

Bars and Nightlife in Beijing
Travel in Beijing

While it may be a relative newcomer to the international party scene, Beijing has no shortage of all-night karaoke lounges and western-style pubs and cocktail bars.

Sanlitun’s (三里屯) “bar street,” located in the embassy district, is a favorite for westerners due to its heavily American and European influenced bars. Another party point, Nurenjie (女人街), loosely translated as “women's street”, has similar offerings. The Houhai (后海) area is a tamer and more romantic alternative that trades in some of the chaos and excitement for a quieter, more relaxed atmosphere. Houhai's lakeside bars and outdoor tables create a more subdued drinking experience. In the last few years Wudaokou (五道口) has become a popular congregation point on the north side of Beijing. Here, the high concentration of universities and foreign exchange students has prompted the rise of a younger, and cheaper, nightlife hot spot.
Capital Museum
Travel in Beijing
Capital Museum
The Capital Museum (shǒu dū bó wù guǎn 首都博物馆) is a patriotic education base in Beijing. It is a large modernized comprehensive museum that reflects the past and present of Beijing in terms of history, construction, folk customs, and culture. It was open to public on May 18, 2006.
Peking Opera
Travel in Beijing
Peking Opera

Peking opera (jīng jù京剧) of China is a national treasure with a history of 200 years. In the 55th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong (Qián long 乾隆) of the Qing Dynasty(1790) ,the four big Huiban opera Troupes entered the capital and combined with Kunqu opera (kūn qǔ 昆曲), Yiyang opera, Hanju opera and Luantan in Beijing's thearetical circle of the time. Through a period of more than half a century of combination and integration of various kinds of opera there evolved the present Peking opera, the biggest kind of opera in China, whose richness of repertoire, great number of artists of performance and of audiences, and profound influence are incomparable in China.

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