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Home Travel in China China Travel Guide
China Travel Guide
Let's Enjoy the Mountains(Mt.Changbai)
Travel in Jilin

China's spectacular mountain landscapes attract the professional climber and wide-eyed adventurer alike. Serious climbers are drawn to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to scale the challenging summit of Mt. Everest -known as Mt. Qomolongma in China- the tallest peak in the world. And others naturally gravitate to China's Five Sacred Mountain Peaks, which Han Emperor Wu Di declared sacred in the 2nd century BC.
Given the weather, May is one of the best seasons for climbing up the mountains. So do not hesitate, follow us and let’s enjoy the mountain.
Beijing Snacks—Tanghulu (糖葫芦)
Travel in Beijing
Beijing snacks, combining varied flavors from different nationalities like Han, Hui, Meng, Man and court snacks from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), include many kinds and form the characteristic of their own.
Beijing Snacks—Youtiao (油条), Ludagun (驴打滚) and Wandouhuang (豌豆黄)
Travel in Beijing
Snacks of Beijing can fall into three varieties: Han, Hui and imperial snacks, which are generally prepared by steaming, deep frying, frying in shallow oil, and instant boiling. Some people regard snacks of Beijing as "living fossils." Now snack restaurants can be found all over Beijing, such as Longfusi and Huguosi snack counters. Quick boiled Tripe Man, Chatang Li and Wonton Hou.
Zhongshan Park
Travel in Beijing
Zhongshan Park

Zhongshan Park (zhōng shān gōng yuán 中山公园) is located to the west of Tian'AnMen Gate (Tiān ān mén 天安门) in the heart of the Inner City. It is the site of the former Altar of Land and Harvest ( shè jì tán 社稷坛) (from 1421, emperor YongLe (yǒnglè 永乐), Ming dynasty). The emperor would visit twice yearly - in the springtime to bring a good harvest and in the autumn for thanksgiving. Five different colours of earth are still kept at this altar, representing land from throughout the nation.

Peking Roast Duck
Travel in Beijing
Peking Roast Duck

Peking Duck (běi jīng kǎo yā 北京烤鸭), or Peking Roast Duck is a famous duck dish from Beijing that has been prepared since the Yuan Dynasty (yuán cháo 元朝), and is now considered one of China's national foods.

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