Name of community: Moon Bay, dushuhu suzhou SIP, xjtlu is close Name of community: Moon Bay, dushuhu suzhou SIP, xjtlu is close

Post Time:2024-12-09 19:01:16  |  Visits:0
Price: 8000
Location: Gongyeyuan
Bedroom: 4 BR
Size: 143 sqm
Layout: 3 bedrooms+ 2 bathrooms +2 livingrooms+1 studying room Size: 148 sqms Floor: 8th/12 Decoration: modern style and fully furnished with central AC Rent Price: 7300 RMB per month Recommendation features: Various of renovation styles meet different nationalities Convenient life, near Shopping mall and commercial street. Warm home with excellent decoration. If you are interested, Please feel free to contact me. If you are not satisfied with this house, we have more similar quality items for your choice, such as Marine cove Garden, Bayside Garden, Lakeside Palace, Horizon Resort etc. With the rich working experience, I am confident to assist you to accommodate in Suzhou. Cell:+ 86 136 1621 2541 E-mail: Wechat: 455133163
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