TIMES SQUARE/spacious one bedroom Jinghope service apartment/high quality/new TIMES SQUARE/spacious one bedroom Jinghope service apartment/high quality/new

Post Time:2024-05-18 18:41:27  |  Visits:0
Price: 5300
Location: Gongyeyuan
Bedroom: 1 BR
Size: 104 sqm
Compound: Jinghope Apartment Location: Xizhou street, near to Ferris Wheel and time square 5 mins to subway station 3 mins to Time square Layout: 1bedrooms+ 2 living rooms+ 1 bathroom Remark: RMB 5300 per month Cell:+ 86 136 1621 2541 E-mail: jason.chen@ahomeagency.com Wechat: 455133163
389591254 389591255 389591256 389591257 389591258
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