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Travel in Zhejiang

Drum Tower

  Drum Tower
The Drum Tower
(gǔ lóu 鼓楼) is the only remaining relic of ancient city in Ningbo City (níng bō shì 宁波市), Zhejiang Province (zhè jiāng shěng 浙江省). It is also one of the ancient architectures under the preservation of China. The tower covers an area of more than 700 square kilometers. It is a bow stone architecture with a height of eight meters. The doorway is sixteen meters in depth and five meters in width. Overlooking from the top, you can get a view of the whole scenery of Ningbo City.

Last Updated on Thursday, 22 October 2009 08:50
Putuo Mountain

 South Sea Kwan-yin
Putuo Mountain
(pǔ tuó shān 普陀山) is a small island in Zhoushan Islands (zhōu shān qún dǎo 舟山群岛). It is located in Putuo District (pǔ tuó qū 普陀区), Zhoushan City (zhōu shān shì 舟山市), Zhejiang Province (zhè jiāng shěng 浙江省). The island covers an area of 12.5 kilometers. It is one of the Four Famous Buddhist Mountains in China (fó jiāo sì dà míng shān 佛教四大名山). The other three are Wutai Mountain (wǔ tái shān 五台山), Emei Mountain (é méi shān 峨眉山), Jiuhua Mountain (jiǔ huá shān 九华山). Putuo Mountain was regarded as the Buddhist Sanctuary (fó jiāo shèng dì 佛教圣地) and the Wonderland of the South Sea (nán hǎi shèng jìng 南海胜境). It was listed as the first batch state-level key scenic area.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 October 2009 17:14
Nanxi River

  Nanxi River
The Nanxi River (nán xī jiāng 楠溪江) is located in Yongjia County (yǒng jiā xiàn 永嘉县) of Zhejiang Province (zhè jiāng shěng 浙江省). It is 23 kilometers from Wenzhou City (wēn zhōu shì 温州市), with Yandang Mountains (yàn dàng shān 雁荡山) on the east, the Xiandu (xiān dōu 仙都) on the west and the Xianju (xiān jū 仙居) on the north. The river is a famous state-level scenic spot with a total area of 625 square kilometers. It was praised as the Cradle of Chinese Landscape Painting (zhōng guó shān shuǐ huà de yáo lán 中国山水画的摇篮).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 October 2009 08:20
Xinchang Great Buddha Temple

Xinchang Great Buddha Temple
(xīn chāng dà fó sì 新昌大佛寺) is located in the valley between Nanming Mountain (nán míng shān 南明山) and Shicheng Mountain (shí chéng shān 石城山) in Southwest Xinchang County (xīn chāng xiàn 新昌县), Shaoxing City (shào xìng shì 绍兴市), Zhejiang Province (zhè jiāng shěng 浙江省). The temple is a famous in Buddhism field. Originally it was built during the Yonghe Period (yǒng hé nián jiān 永和年间) in the East Jin Dynasty (dōng jìn 东晋), more than 1600 years ago. According to records in Biographies of Eminent Monks (gāo sēng zhuàn 高僧传), in 345 A.D, an eminent monk Tan Guang (tán guāng 昙光) came to Shicheng Mountain to appreciate the beautiful mountains and rivers of eastern Zhejiang. He lived in a stone chamber and hastily established Yinyue Temple (yǐn yuè sì 隐岳寺), which was the origin of Xinchang Great Buddha.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 October 2009 08:51
Orchid Pavilion

  Orchid Pavilion
Orchid Pavilion (lán tíng 兰亭) is located at the foot of Lanzhu Mounttain (lán zhǔ shān 兰渚山), 13 kilometres southwest of Shaoxing City (shào xìng shì 绍兴市), Zhejiang Province (zhè jiāng shěng 浙江省). It is the place where the noted Jin Dynasty (jìn cháo 晋朝) calligrapher Wang Xizhi (wáng xī zhī 王羲之) wrote his Prologue to the Orchid Pavilion Poems (lán tíng jí xù 兰亭集序). Orchid Pavilion was listed as one of the top three sceneries in the suburbs of Shaoxing, the other two were Dayu Mausoleum (dà yǔ líng 大禹陵) and East Lake (dōng hú 东湖). In recent decades, the place was more famous because of the Lanting Calligraphy Festival (lán tíng shū fǎ jiē 兰亭书法节).

Last Updated on Friday, 16 October 2009 09:15
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