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Chinese Literature
Chinese Literature

The Roadside Mulberry
The Roadside Mulberry

The rising sun from southeast nooks
Shines on the house of Qin, who
Has a daughter of lovely looks;
She calls herself Luo-fu.
She picks mulberry leaves still new
To feed silkworms in southern nook,
Her basket's bound with silk thread blue,
Of laurel bough is made a hook.
Dao De Jing (4)

The Way is like an empty vessel
That yet may be drawn from
Without ever needing to be filled.
It is bottomless; the very progenitor of all things in the world.
In it all sharpness is blunted,
All tangles untied,
All glare tempered,
All dust[1] smoothed.
                  ---Li Shangyin

The east wind sighs, the fine rains come:
Beyond the pool of water-lilies, the noise of faint thunder.
A gold toad gnaws the lock. Open it, burn the incense.
A tiger of jade pulls the rope. Draw from the well and escape.
Fairy Of The Magpie Bridge

Fairy Of The Magpie Bridge
                                   ---Qin Guan [ Song Dynasty (960-1279)]

Among the beautiful clouds,
Over the heavenly river,
Crosses the weaving maiden.

A night of rendezvous,
Across the autumn sky.
Dao De Jing (3)

If we stop looking for 'persons of superior morality' (hsien) to put in power, there will be no more jealousies among the people. If we cease to set store by products that are hard to get , there will be no more thieves. If the people never see such things as excite desire, their hearts will remain placid and undisturbed. Therefore the Sage rules
  By emptying their hearts
  And filling their bellies,
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