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Travel in Beijing
Travel in Beijing

Simatai Great Wall


Lying in Gubeikou(gǔ běi kǒu 古北口) Town northeast of Miyun(mì yún 密云) County about 120 kilometers from Beijing, Simatai Great Wall(sī mǎ tái cháng chéng 司马台长城) stretches about 5 kilometers from Wangjing Tower(wàng jīng lóu 望京楼) in the east and connects to Houchuankou(hòu chuān kǒu 后川口) in the west. It has 35 beacon towers. Constructed under the supervision of Qi Jiguang(qī jì guāng 戚继光), [a famous general in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), it is the only part of the Great Walls that still has the original appearance of the Ming Dynasty].

Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 10:35
The Disapearing History Ⅰ-- Siheyuan
altSiheyuan(sì hé yuàn 四合院) in China has a long history. According to the analysis of the existing heritage information, they appeared as a kind of form of construction two thousand years ago. In the course of historical development, Chinese people love siheyuan. Not only palaces, temples, official courtyard, but also residential were widely used.

Siheyuan is Beijing's traditional form of residential. Why are they called siheyuan? This is because the construction in the East and West, North and South siege together.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 11:01
Mutianyu Section of the Great Wall


Mutianyu (mù tián yù 慕田峪 ) is a section of the Great Wall of China located in Huairou County 70km northeast of Beijing. The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall is connected with Juyongguan Pass in the west and Gubeikou Gateway in the east. As one of the best-preserved parts of the Great Wall, Mutianyu section of Great Wall used to serve as the northern barrier defending the capital and the imperial tombs.

First built in the mid-6th century during the Northern Qi, Mutianyu Great Wall is older than the Badaling section of the Great Wall. In the Ming dynasty, under the supervision of General Xu Da, construction of the present wall began on the foundation of the wall of Northern Qi. In 1404, a pass was built in the wall. In 1569, the Mutianyu Great Wall was rebuilt and till today most parts of it are well preserved. The Mutianyu Great Wall has the largest construction scale and best quality among all sections of Great Wall.

altBuilt mainly with granite, the wall is 7-8 meters high and the top is 4-5 meters wide. Compared with other sections of Great Wall, Mutianyu Great Wall possesses unique characteristics in its construction.

Watchtowers are densely placed along this section of the Great Wall - 22 watchtowers on this 2,250-meter-long stretch.
Both the outer and inner parapets are crenelated with merlons, so that shots could be fired at the enemy on both sides - a feature very rare on other parts of the Great Wall.
The Mutianyu Pass consists of 3 watchtowers, one big in the center and two smaller on both sides. Standing on the same terrace, the three watchtowers are connected to each other inside and compose a rarely seen structure among all sections of Great Wall.
Besides, this section of Great Wall is surrounded by woodland and streams. The forest-coverage rate is over 90 percent.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 11:08
China Aviation Museum

China Aviation Museum (zhōng guó háng kōng bó wù guǎn 中国航空博物馆) is about 40 miles north of Beijing and located in the foot of fascinating Xiao Tang Hill (XiaoTangShan) in Chang Ping County. On November 11, 1989, it was opened to the public in the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of Air Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

On April, 1991, the air force official ratified its name as the "Air Force Aviation Museum". In the foreign exchanges, it is called as the China Aviation Museum.

The museum was founded on part of an airbase; the runways are a mile distant and are connected to the museum by a long taxiway, which is also used as access for the traffic. Next to the museum the taxiway continues up the hill; in the hill is a large U-shaped tunnel, which, in the operational days of this part of the airbase undoubtedly sheltered numerous aircraft. Near to the taxiway there are some aprons and a hangar, so there is room for many, many aircraft, mostly military but also some civil ones.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 11:25
Zhoukoudian Peking Man Relics Museum

Zhoukoudian (Zhōu kǒu diàn 周口店), about 50 kilometers (31 miles) southwest of Beijing, was a natural habitat of human ancestors about 700,000 years ago. Here multiplied descendents, from age to age, created the splendid Paleolithic Age. To some extent, this is the cradle of Chinese civilization. In this charming and mystical land, Peking man left its footprints. Today, the remains and site provides a good opportunity for tourists to explore the primitive life of our human ancestors.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 10:16
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