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Travel in Xinjiang

Travel in Xinjiang

Karez Well

Karez Well
Karez Well
(kǎn ér jǐng 坎儿井) is an unique underground water system invented and built by the ancient farmers of various ethnic minorities of Turpan (tǔ lǔ fān 吐鲁番), which aiming to adapt to the basin natural environment, solar radiation and the atmosphere in the dry region. This irrigation system of wells connected by underground channels is considered to be one of the three great ancient projects in China.

Last Updated on Monday, 05 July 2010 16:06
The Taklamakan Desert

The Taklamakan Desert
The Taklamakan Desert
(tǎ kè lā mǎ gàn shā mò 塔克拉玛干沙漠), lying in the center of the Tarim Basin (tǎ lǐ mù pén dì 塔里木盆地) and covering some 337,600 sq meters, is the biggest desert in China and the second largest shifting sand desert in the world. Between the Keriya River (kè lǐ yǎ hé 克里雅河) and the Hotan River (hé tián hé 和田河) in the heart of the desert, the vast sea of sand stretches to the horizon. These rivers form natural “green corridors” in the heart of the desert. It is the magnificent sight.

Last Updated on Friday, 02 July 2010 17:30
The Id Kah Mosque

The Id Kah Mosque
Located at the Jiefang Road (jiě fàng lù 解放路) of downtown Kashi city (kā shí 喀什)(also known as Kashgar), the Id Kah Mosque (ài tí gǎ ěr qīng zhēn sì 艾提尕尔清真寺) is the largest of its kind in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (xīn jiāng wū lǔ mù qí zì zhì qū 新疆乌鲁木齐自治区) and also the center for Islamic activities of the entire Xinjiang region. The Id Kah Mosque is well known all over the world for its long history, grand structure and splendid national features.

Last Updated on Monday, 16 May 2011 15:53
Chogori Peak

Chogori Peak
Chogori (qiáo gē lǐ 乔戈里), in the Tajik language (tǎ jí kè yǔ 塔吉克语) and Italian as “tall and majestic mountains,” 8611 meters above sea level, which is the main peak of the Karakoram mountain range (kā lǎ kūn lún shān mò 喀喇昆仑山脉), is second only to the Himalayas on Earth elevation of the main peak of the Karakoram mountain range, located in China and Pakistan border.

Last Updated on Saturday, 25 September 2010 11:15
Bizalkik Thousand Buddha Caves

Bizalkik Thousand Buddha Caves
As Buddhism was the first religion from abroad introduced to this area, Xinjiang (xīn jiāng 新疆) witnessed the earliest development of Buddhist cave art in China. Soon after the religion's establishment in the region, Turpan became the Buddhist center on the Silk Road owing to its geographic location. Among the Buddhist caves found in Turpan (tǔ lǔ fān 吐鲁番), Bizalkik Thousand Buddha Caves (bǎi zī kè lǐ kè qiān fó dòng 柏孜克里克千佛洞) are considered most valuable.  

Last Updated on Thursday, 01 July 2010 00:04
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