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International Marriage --- I just had to look and there he was. Thank you WorldFriends Networks!

I just had to look and there he was. Thank you WorldFriends Networks!
Texas Girl and the one I love Moto

 International MarriageThank you for the wonderful service. Yes, you can publish the story of me and my boyfriend. We met through this service, and then met in public. Since then we kept seeing each other and found out we love each other.

Thank you for making it easy for us women who cannot go out to look for someone special. You help us a lot by providing this website to search and make good friends as well.

Not so many people get lucky, but I found a real gentleman and I'm so glad I joined this service. Since meeting through this service, we have been seeing each other as much as we can. We live far from each other, but we travel to see each other. I think he is a great guy. We love each other, and plan to get married in the near future. I just had to look and there he was. Thank you WorldFriends Networks!


我刚上网就找到了他!谢谢 WorldFriends Networks!
Texas Girl and the one I love Moto


我对你们完善的服务深表谢意. 是的,我同意在你们的网站登出我和我男朋友的经历 我们在你们的网站上相识,然后相约在正式的场合见面. 自从初次见面以后,我们就一直保持着联系,最终我们互相爱上了对方.

非常感谢你们的网站让我们这些朋友圈子很小的女士有机会找到真爱, 并且也可以让我们有机会找到和交到真心的朋友.

不是每个人都象我这么幸运, 我很高兴我登陆了你们的网站并且真的找到了一个绅士. 通过你们的服务,我们有机会相识, 从那以后我们就尽可能多的见面,甚至不顾路途遥远互相探望. 我认为他是一个非常好的男孩子, 我们互相深爱对方并且计划在不久的将来步入婚姻的殿堂. 我只需要寻找而他就在那里等我. 谢谢!

Last Updated on Monday, 17 December 2018 15:10