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World Friends Networks --- Thanks to World Friends! We got married!

World Friends Networks --- Thanks to World Friends! We got married!
Yuki, Japan and Kev, California

World FriendsKev sent me a smile in February 2005 and we started to exchange emails since then. In June he visited me in Japan for 2 weeks. He was very genuine and I became attracted to him, but I was unsure about his sudden marriage proposal to me. In November, I went to California and found how much he was loved by his parents and friends, so I decided to accept his proposal. Since then I've been busy running around to obtain the fiancee visa. The visa was granted at the end of August and I moved in October and got married on December 2, 2006 at Carmel Beach church. If I didn't join World Friends, I could have never met him! I sincerely appreciate World Friends for bringing us so much love and happiness!


国际交友爱情故事 --- 感谢World Friends!我们结婚了!
Yuki, Japan and Kev, California


World Friends2005年2月,kev发送给我一个微笑,于是我们从那时开始通过email交流。6月的时候,他来日本看望我,并逗留了2周时间。他是一个非常诚恳的人,我开始渐渐的被他吸引。但是我对于他突然的求婚,没有信心。同年11月,我去了加利福尼亚,发现他是如此被他的父母和朋友所爱着,于是我决定接受他的求婚。从那以后,我开始奔波于获得结婚签证。 功夫不负有心人,在8月底,我终于得到了签证并于2006年12月2日和kev在卡梅尔海滩教堂结婚了。如果我没有加入World Friends,我可能永远都不会遇到他!我真心的感谢World Friends带给我们如此多的爱和快乐!


WorldFriends is a social network service for internationally-minded people around the world who like to meet new friends, travel, and learn languages.

Last Updated on Monday, 17 December 2018 15:25