Woman in the Car Mirror

Woman in the Car Mirror
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Retail Price: Negotiable
Tel: 010 6959 8343
Address: No.1 of Northern Renzhuang Cun, Songzhuang Zhen, Tongzhou District, Beijing 


Yinda’s painting always focus on the car mirror in which a woman’s face is reflected, you can see she is young, fashionable and heavily made-up with an obvious sexy lip and vague expression. Who is this woman and where does she go, who drives the car? People can not help from asking these questions and are curious to know more while the title of the painting doesn’t hint anything about the answer. That makes the woman even more mysterious, and leaves infinite room of imagination for viewers


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Business Info
China Directory Contact Method Tel: 010 6959 8343
China Directory Address Address: No.1 of Northern Renzhuang Cun, Songzhuang Zhen, Tongzhou District, Beijing
China Directory Email Email: sally-liu@263.net
China Directory Business Hours Hours:  09:00-24:00
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