Why Modern Female is Wild about Nail Care

Release Date: 2012-12-11 Publisher: China Yellow Pages Visits:5492

It has been a long history of the female painting their nails with different colors. In ancient China and India, the nail colors are symbols which reflect the status of their owners. This role seemed to be weakened afterwards in China because the woman was required to be understated along with the prevalence of feudal concept. The painted nails were regarded as a statement of non-conformity, and have almost become the name of rebelliousness for females. Woman with bright-colored nails is deemed to be dissolute and not virtuous.


Since the founding of People’s Republic of China, the rights of female have been protected effectively. Some corrupt customs such as foot-binding for women have been abandoned. Along with the advance of the ideological emancipation, the female starts to pursue the physical beauty with courage. Nail care comes back to fashion under this historical background. Generally speaking, it is welcomed for the following reasons.


1. It makes the female more charming.


Clean, well manicured nails make you look neat. You can talk a lot about how people take care of their nails. Why they are willing to spend so much time on them? The reason is our hands are always one of the first things other people notice. We need to make the most of them, and will not make them looks crappy. For female professionals, such as the women who do a lot of public speaking, nail care make them looked more professional. It makes women like me feel a little more polished and notable.


2. Exhausted females regard it as relaxation.


It’s nothing to do with being pampered, because sitting in a nail salon for an hour or so is about as mind numbing as it gets. Compared with the male, females prefer to get together with their girl friends to do hair style or nail care.


3. It reveals individualities.


The diversity of nail designs reveals the individualities of their owners. Some people feel more sexy or adventurous if they have gotten the cool nail designs. The images people choose vary from person to person depending on their preferences.


4. It draws attention for people.


The beautiful nails have potential for being remarkable. It is plain that the fascinating nails, to a large extent, can serve as a conversation starter with strangers. It is a good topic used to break down the ice and bring forth interaction.


Nail care is essential for most of modern females. And nail art industry flourishes overnight with this trend. If you are one of the expats who lives in Shanghai, don’t worry about where to find the best nail salons. Try to search the business information about nail care on China Yellow Pages. Nail Story International Face & Nail Aesthetic Salon is listed here. This nail salon has a friendly atmosphere and professional attendants. The amazing results and reasonable prices will make you become their loyal client. A standard manicure starts at RMB 40.


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