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China Living Tips
3 Ways to Learn Chinese Better and Faster
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Learning Chinese isn’t easy, or is it?

No matter how long you’ve studied Chinese, there are efficient and not so efficient ways of tackling the language. Since you are already on such a tough journey, why not take the path with the biggest pot of gold at the end?

Some things are much more important to focus on than others when learning Chinese for use in the real world. Why? Because they are help make learning Chinese faster and more efficient, at least in the long run. Let’s take a look:

3 Things you must focus on to get better in Chinese

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Jobs in China
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Tesol in ChinaChina has long been an enigma to much of Western society. As the third-largest country in the world by area, this diverse and complex land has been home to some of history's most notable eras and events. Today's visitor can see evidence of those milestones: the Great Wall, the terra-cotta soldiers, Mao Zedong's mausoleum, Tiananmen Square - the list goes on.

It could take countless vacations to China to see all there is, but six months or a year spent teaching there is a sure way to get an inside look at this fascinating country.
China comprises one of earth's oldest civilizations and has remained relatively secluded - for many years Christian missionaries were the only English speakers to make extended stays there. As a result, China's political and economic systems have to a large degree isolated its people from Western influence. In recent years the growing global economy has demanded change in China, and the country's leaders have been struggling to respond. For example, although the economic reforms of Deng Xioaping during the 1970s and 1980s did much to increase production on China's farms, only 15 to 20 percent of China's land is suitable for farming. And even this arable land is shrinking due to industrialization, urbanization, and flooding. This crisis of an increasing population and a decreasing capacity to produce food has led to China's infamous government-promoted birth-control programs.
Health Care in China

Vaccination Requirements

Currently there are no required immunizations for travel to China, but check with your local consulate to make sure this policy has not changed. Depending on how long you are staying in China and whether you will be spending your time in urban or rural areas, there are different vaccinations that are recommended by travel health specialists. Discuss your travel needs with a doctor that specializes in travel medicine. Universities often have travel clinics that provide a less expensive way of getting your vaccinations. The most useful vaccinations for China are hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus/diptheria, Japanese encephalitis, and typhoid fever. Some doctors also recommend getting a rabies shot and taking malaria pills.
For up-to-the-minute information on vaccination requirements and disease information, call the International Traveler's Hotline in Atlanta at (404) 332-4559, which is sponsored by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. This service regularly updates its recorded message for each country.

Tips for Traveling with Children in China

What to Buy and What to Bring


Traveling with kids to China

Depending on where you will be traveling, brands and goods that you may be used to back home are of varying availability. Where there is a significant population of expatriates such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, Western brands and familiar items are easily found in upscale supermarkets and department stores. However, if you will be traveling in the countryside, then it's best to make sure you've stocked up on the necessities to bring along with you.
How to Apply for a Chinese Green Card
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In this article, you will learn: About Chinese Green Card, Dos & Don'ts, How to Apply and some Tips.

About Chinese Green Card
With the approval of China's State Council, the Minister of Public Security, Zhou Yongkang, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Li Zhaoxing, jointly endorsed Decree No.74 and officially issued the Regulations on Examination and Approval of Permanent Residence of Foreigners in China for implementation on August 15.
According to this regulation, foreigners with eligibility for permanent residence in China will be granted a certificate of identification commonly known as a "Green Card."

The regulation has 29 articles in all, specifying the explicit provisions on the prerequisites for foreigners wishing to apply for permanent residence permits in China, required supporting documents, steps to be followed, limits of authority, and cancellation of eligibility, etc.

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