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Travel in Sichuan

Travel in China, China Travel Guide, Travel in Sichuan

Dinosaur Museum

   Dinosaur Museum
Dinosaur Museum
(kǒng lóng bó wù guǎn 恐龙博物馆)is located in the northeastern Zigong City (zì gòng shì 自贡市) of Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省). It is 9 kilometers away from the city center. The museum is the first professional museum in China, and it is as famous as the National Dinosaur Museum in America and the Canadian Dinosaur Museum. It is elected as the best Dinosaur Museum in the world by the Geography Magazine.

Paoma Mountain

   Paoma Mountain
Paoma Mountain
(pǎo mǎ shān 跑马山) is located in the southeast of Lucheng Town (lú chéng zhèn 炉城镇) in Kangding County (kāng dìng xiàn 康定县) of Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省). In Tibetan language, it is called Fairy Mountain (xiān nǚ shān 仙女山) and regarded as one of the holy mountains. There are many attractions in the mountain, which will bring you to a fairyland.

Wenshu Temple

   Wenshu Temple
Wenshu Temple
(wén shū yuàn 文殊院), situated in Chengdu (chéng dū 成都), in the northwest Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省), is a famous monastery. It was originally known as Xinxiang Temple (xìn xiàng sì 信相寺) in the Song Dynasty (sòng cháo 宋朝), but destroyed by fire. It is said that in the Qing Dynasty (qīng cháo 清朝), people saw Wenshu Buddha (wén shū pú sà 文殊菩萨) in the red light, and the government then set people to rebuilt the temple and enthrone the name Wenshu.

Wanjuan Pavilion

   Wanjuan Pavilion
Wanjuan Pavilion
(wàn juàn lóu 万卷楼) is located in the Xishan Scenic Area (xī shān fēng jǐng qū 西山风景区) in Nanchong City (nán chōng shì 南充市) of Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省). It was originally constructed in the reign of Jianxing (jiàn xīng nián jiān 建兴年间) of Three Kingdoms Period (sān guó shí qī 三国时期). It is the place where Chen Shou (chén shòu 陈寿), the famous historian in the Western Jin Dynasty (xī jìn 西晋) and the writer of the Records of Three Kingdoms (sān guó zhì 三国志), studying in his youth age. The pavilion is built leaning on the rock behind, made of wood and stones. With the flying eaves and arched roof, the pavilion is imposing and grand.

Mugecuo Scenic Area

   Mugecuo Scenic Area
Mugecuo Scenic Area
(mù gé cuò fēng jǐng qū 木格措风景区) is locate in the northeast of Kangding County (kāng dìng xiàn 康定县), in Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省). It is 2900 to 3800 meters above sea level, covering an area of 500 square kilometers. It is made up of Cuckoo Valley (dù juān xiá 杜鹃峡), Saimaping (sài mǎ píng 赛马坪), Seven-color Sea (qī sè hǎi 七色海), Pool with Curative Effect (yào chí fèi quán 药池沸泉), Mugecuo (mù gé cuò 木格措) and Honghai Grassland (hóng hǎi cǎo yuán 红海草原). It is regarded as the Minor Jiuzhai (xiǎo jiǔ zhài 小九寨) for its thick forest, grassland and snow mountain.

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