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Travel in Yunnan
Travel in Yunnan


Yunnan, which refers to 'the place south of the colorful clouds', or 'the place south of Yunling (yún lǐng 云岭) Mountain', is the most southwest province of China. Externally, it borders Vietnam, Laos and Burma; internally, it is neighbor to Guizhou (guì zhōu 贵州), Guangxi (guǎng xī 广西), Chongqing (zhòng qìng 重庆), Sichuan (sì chuān 四川) and Tibet (xī cáng 西藏). It is a land of various ethnic groups, landscapes, natural scenery, creatures, etc where one could taste the most aspects of our planet. According to our Chinese culture, a perfect place should consist of both the waterscape and the mountain. Yunnan’s mountains are also famous. The mountains and rivers in Yunnan are both very superb landscape.

Last Updated on Thursday, 31 January 2013 19:41

Baoshan City
(bǎo shān shì 保山市) is situated in the southwest of Yunnan Province (yún nán shěng 云南省), bordered by Burma in the south and northwest. Within the province, it neighbors Lincang Region (临沧) in the east, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture (nù jiāng lì sù zú zì zhì zhōu 怒江傈僳族自治州) in the northeast and Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture (dé hóng dǎi zú jǐng pō zú zì zhì zhōu 德宏傣族景颇族自治州) in the southwest. It is nearly 500 kilometers (310 miles) from Kunming (kūn míng 昆明), the capital city of Yunnan Province.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 January 2013 15:34
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

A stream of bluish water bends towards the east and cuts the peninsula into the shape of a gourd the tropical rain forest is a forest biological system with the most abundant life forms on earth and Xishuangbanna is such a survived oasis on the North Tropic and the only large stretch of tropical rain forest in China. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) (xī shuāng bǎn nà rè dài zhí wù yuán 西双版纳热带植物园) is the largest manmade botanical garden with the richest life forms established on this aftermost stretch rain forest on the Chinese territory.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 14:02

Qujing City
(qǔ jìng shì 曲靖市) is located in the center of the Yunnan - Guizhou Altiplano (yún guì gāo yuán 云贵高原). It is a very important land route connecting Yunnan Province (yún nán 云南) with other parts of China, and thus has been called "the Gate to Yunnan" and "the Throat of Yunnan". The Wumeng Mountain (wū méng shān 乌蒙山) stretches for hundreds of miles, and is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. The Mountain is the watershed of the two water systems: the Yangtze River (zhǎng jiāng 长江) and the Zhujiang River (zhū jiāng 珠江). Qujing is the second largest city of Yunnan Province, with Kunming ranking the first. It is also an important industrial city of Yunnan.

Last Updated on Monday, 28 January 2013 15:04

Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture
(dé hóng dǎi zú jǐng pō zú zì zhì zhōu 德宏傣族景颇族自治州), located in the southmost part of Yunnan Province (yún nán shěng 云南省), borders Burma with a boundary line more than 500 kilometers long. Covering an area of only more than 10,000 square kilometers, Dehong boasts featured customs of minorities, colourful culture, long history, and beautiful natural scenery; and therefore, it is famous both at home and abroad, and is called Hometown of Peacocks, Hometown of Legends, and Hometown of Songs and Dances.

Last Updated on Sunday, 27 January 2013 19:27
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