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Practical Chinese
Practical Chinese

金玉满堂 Treasures Fill The Home
生意兴隆 Business Flourishes j
岁岁平安 Peace All Year Round
恭喜发财 Wishing You Prosperity
和气生财 Harmony Brings Wealth
心想事成 May All Your Wishes Come True

吉祥如意 Everything Goes Well
国泰平安 The Country Flourishes And People Live In Peace
招财进宝 Money And Treasures Will He Plentiful
The name of Roman letters in five lauguages
Last Updated on Monday, 15 September 2008 08:35
Three-dimensional characters
"Character" of the word in ancient times, among other implications, the use of language, the text refers to the main body.For example XuShen's "version" is the main focus of this book font structure.But Mr Xie said that the "wife 之 Words, words and phrases Health", it is obvious that the language is used to refer to unitsmainly with the sound and meaning.The words written on a piece of paper, visible, and it just three, the characters speak only Xeno justice inside, invisible form.Although sometimes in the minds of people reading a shining character shapes.We normally talk about "character", sometimes referred to this aspect, the
Don't let me be misunderstood
Nearly all foreigners who intend to learn Chinese would like to communicate with local people using their new-found skills.

They seem too anxious to talk to people they meet after they learn a few characters. This habit has been formed ever since they learnt their mother languages and they learnt them by speaking.

Surely it should be the best way to pick up a foreign language by speaking too. But in regards to learning Chinese, it is not easy to talk at the beginning. There are some foreigners who fail because they cannot talk to local people even after many lessons.
Pod : “Cook”
Match Chinese and English

炒                   sound
刚                   simple
xué huì
学 会               cut
tīnɡ qǐ lái
听 起来           at last
jiǎn dān
简 单              cook
rán hòu
然 后              then
zuì hòu
最 后             peanut
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