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Language Exchange Stories --- I recommend ForeignerCN Friends to anyone with cross-border interests!

Language Exchange --- I recommend ForeignerCN friends & language partners to anyone with cross-border interests!
Hachimitsusan, Colorado USA/captain0051, Kobe Japan

World FriendsLiving in the central U.S. it has been difficult for me to have friendships with East Asian people as there are so few living here and the cultural values of East Asians seem to be only vaguely understood or appreciated here. My wife is a Japanese and we travel back and forth to Japan fairly frequently but for me personally as an American born guy. I find it difficult to learn more about Japanese language and culture when we are not actually there. I find my membership in Worldfirends to be a very special and helpful resource for meeting new East Asian friends and especially with Japanese people who can speak both Japanese and English languages. I have studied Japanese language for many years in classes here in the U.S. but most of it has been academic and separated from the actual daily concerns of everyday Japanese life. My ForeignerCN friends & language partners contacts have been very helpful for my developing a deeper understanding of the language and how it applies to real world situations. I consider the availability of ForeignerCN friends & language partners as a special and much needed resource for anyone in the two general areas of the world (East Asia and the U.S.) to communicate, exchange cultural information, and simply to get more familiar with each other as friends and people. The ForeignerCN friends & language partners administrators and web hosts have always been helpful and courteous when I have contacted them with my questions and concerns. ForeignerCN friends & language partners has fulfilled many of the wishes and desires I have had for more contact with Japanese people when I am not actually there myself..and I recommend it to anyone having similar interests in developing their language skills and desire for cultural exchange.


语言学习伙伴 --- 我推荐ForeignerCN friends & language partners给所有对于不同国家文化感兴趣的朋友们!
Hachimitsusan, Colorado USA/captain0051, Kobe Japan


我居住在美国的中心地区,很难交到东亚的朋友,因为他们很少居住在这里,而且东亚人的价值观在这里无法被很好的理解。我的妻子是一名日本人,我们频繁的往来于日本和美国,但是就我个人而言,我是一个地地道道的美国人。由于并不生活在日本,我觉得学习日语和日本的文化非常的困难。我发现ForeignerCN friends & language partners是一个非常特别并且有效的途径,来认识更多东亚的朋友,尤其是既会说日语又会说英语的日本人。我在美国学习了很多年的日语,但是学习到的大多数是和日常生活实际脱离的理论。在ForeignerCN friends & language partners上的交流,帮助我更深入的理解这种语言以及在生活中该如何使用它。我认为ForeignerCN friends & language partners是特别的,对于身处于世界上2个不同地域(比如东亚和美国),却想要进行交流、交换文化信息、或者仅仅是想成为朋友的人们来说,ForeignerCN friends & language partners更是不可或缺的。每次当我遇到问题时,ForeignerCN friends & language partners的工作人员总是耐心地给我提供帮助。在ForeignerCN friends & language partners的帮助下,我实现了和更多的日本朋友交流的心愿。我推荐ForeignerCN friends & language partners给所有渴望文化交流以及语言学习的朋友们。


ForeignerCN Language Exchange Center:  Your Language Exchange Online Community. Over 2,000,000 members in 230+ countries, practicing 115 languages!

Last Updated on Monday, 17 December 2018 15:32