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International Friendship Stories --- Met special penpals on ForeignerCN friends & language partners!

International Friends --- Met special penpals on ForeignerCN friends & language partners!beemg, Hanover, Germany / Sachiko, Tokyo Japan

The first penpal I found lives in Tokyo, the other side of the world from Germany! She helped me prepare my trip to Japan early last year and also met me when I visited Tokyo. I spent a wonderful day sightseeing with her! Ever since we have been writing to each other nearly every week and when I travel to Japan again this autumn, I will be able to hold her new-born baby in my arms! What a wonderful occasion to see my dear friend again! The other penfriend is a Scottish lass which I incidentally also met in Japan!

Two people from Europe travel across the globe to meet in Japan! We exchanged many travel details before we left for Japan and when we got there, she came travelling down from the north of Japan....I came up from the south, we met in the middle of Tokyo and had a nice cake and coffee at a Starbucks. We had many travel stories to tell each other and exchanged many tips and after only 2 hours we both had to continue our journeys in opposite directions... But again, we still keep in contact from time to time.......after all, thats what penpals are for!!! I also would like to mention all the many short-term and long-term penpals, like my friend from India (who writes to me nearly every day!), some Europeans and some more Japanese who I have been in touch with over the years thanks to ForeignerCN friends & language partners!


国际交友 --- ForeignerCN friends & language partners遇到了特别的笔友!beemg, Hanover, Germany / Sachiko, Tokyo Japan

我的另一个笔友,是一名苏格兰女孩,我同样也是在日本遇到她的!2个来自欧洲的人,横跨地球旅行并在日本相遇!在启程前往日本前,我们相互交流了旅行资料,当我们相遇时,她正从日本的北方向南方旅行,而我则恰恰相反。我们在东京相遇并在星巴克小聚。我们有如此多的故事和旅行心得要告诉彼此。2小时候,我们不得不往各自的方向,继续我们的旅程......但是我们时时刻刻都保持着联系,毕竟,这就是笔友啊!我在这里认识了很多短期的或者长期的笔友,比如我那来自印度的朋友(他几乎每天都给我写信!),来自欧洲的朋友和来自日本的朋友。谢谢ForeignerCN friends & language partners!!



ForeignerCN Friends
- 与来自世界任何一个角落的新朋友相遇
- 和朋友的朋友外语对话
- 从当地好友那里取得旅行真传
- 好友遍天下,笔友,海外授课……

Last Updated on Monday, 17 December 2018 15:33