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Home Industrial & Scientific The 8th China International Machine Vision Exhibition (VisionChina2011)
The 8th China International Machine Vision Exhibition (VisionChina2011)
Industrial & Scientific

Date: October 26-28, 2011
Venue: China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China

The 8th China International Machine Vision Exhibition and Machine Vision Technology & Application Conference (VisionChina2011) (dì bā jiè zhōng guó guó jì jī qì shì jiào zhǎn lǎn huì jì jī qì shì jiào jì shù jí gōng yè yīng yòng yán tǎo huì 第八届中国国际机器视觉展览会暨机器视觉技术及工业应用研讨会) will be held on October 26-28, 2011 at China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China. Jointly organized by Machine Vision Professional Committee under China Society of Image and Graphics and CIEC Exhibition Co., Ltd., VisionChina2011 will serve as an efficient platform for showcasing latest machine vision products and technology as well as conducting trade exchanges.

Around 100 exhibiting companies from 9 countries and regions participated in VisionChina2010, namely the United States, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia, Finland, China and Hong Kong SAR of China. The exhibiting space reached 3500 square meters. Around 500 registered professionals and end-users attended the conference in 22 sessions. The three-day exhibition attracted 7629 trade visitors from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States, Korea, Japan, Australia, German, Singapore, Thailand, India,Israel and Lebanon etc.

Exhibit Profile
1 Core Components of Machine Vision Products
Smart Camera: black and white smart camera, line-scan smart camera, color smart camera, CMOS smart camera, ID reader;
Board: black and white image acquisition card, image compression/uncompression card, color image acquisition card;
Software Package: image processing software, machine vision tool software;
Accessories: industrial camera, CMOS camera, CCD camera, areal array camera, camera-link camera, line-scan camera, infrared camera;
Industrial Lens: FA len, high resolution len, image scanning len, telecentric;
Light Source: LED illuminant, ultraviolet lighting system, infrared light supply, optical fiber lighting system;
Subsidiary products: sensor, standardization piece, grating, washer, connection and linker, power, soleplate.

2 Machine Vision Parts
Image Processing System: optics letter, recognition system, automation/robotics, IR image system;
Machine Vision System: character processing & recognition system, automation/robot technology, infrared imaging, tobacco manufacture, banknote printing, electronic packaging, mass detection, automatic identification (OCR/OCV), measuring, intelligent visual, surface inspection, printing, packaging, intricacy industry object vision on-line measurement, automobile manufacture, intelligent traffic control, biological recognition, security monitoring, medical treatment, optical check.

China Society of Image and Graphics (CSIC)
China International Exhibition Center Group Corp.(CIEC)

China Optics and Optoelectronics Manufactures Association (COEMA)
Shanghai Society of Image and Graphics
Tianjin Society of Image and Graphics
Shanxi Society of Image and Graphics
Guangdong Society of Image and Graphics

Machine Vision Professional Committee under CSIC
CIEC Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Overseas Supporters

Ms.Marina Wang/Mr. Chen Deyun
CIEC Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Address: 1/F, General Service Building, CIEC, 6 East Beisanhuan Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100028, China
Tel: +86-10-84600350/0836
Fax: +86-10-84600756/0325
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Ms. Luo Na / Ms. Wang Fumei
Machine Vision Professional Committee under CSIC
Address: East Building, Institute of Automation, No.95 Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing 100080, China
Tel: +86-10-62650592, 62650570, 82614486
Fax: +86-10-62650570, 82614486


Last Updated on Friday, 21 January 2011 19:06