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Home Travel in Guangdong Splendid China
Splendid China
Travel in Guangdong

   Splendid China
Splendid China
(jǐn xiù zhōng huá 锦绣中华), an attraction at the Overseas Chinese Town (huá qiáo chéng 华侨城) of Shenzhen (shēn zhèn 深圳), is located on the magnificent Shenzhen Bay (shē zhèn wān 深圳湾), Shenzhen, which is the largest miniature park in the world. Splendid China reflects the long-standing history, brilliant culture, art and ancient architecture, as well as the customs and habits of 56 nationalities in China. It covers an area of 450 mu (mǔ 亩), and it is divided into two parts, a Scenic Spot Area (jǐng diǎn qū 景点区) and a Comprehensive Service Area (zōng hé fú wù qū 综合服务区).

The Great WallSplendid China is one of the top forty tourist attraction. The slogan of it is "One step into the history and one day travel the whole China". The scale models are mainly in a ratio of 1:15 and the exhibits are positioned to replicate their geographical locations. More than 50,000 lifelike ceramic figures are in different locations which reappearance the culture and folk-custom of China.

Scenic Spot Area

About a hundred scenic wonders are arranged in the Scenic Spot Area including the Great Wall (cháng chéng 长城), life-size Terra Cotta Bing Ma YongFigures of Soldiers and Horses of Qinling Mausoleum (qín lǐng bīng mǎ yǒng 秦陵兵马俑). In addition, you can see many of the world's "mosts" here: The world's most ancient stone arch bridge- Zhaozhou Bridge (zhào zhōu qiáo 赵州桥), the astronomical observatory, Ancient Star-Observatory (gǔ tái guān xīng 古台观星), the wooden pagoda, Yingxian Wooden Pagoda (yìng xiàn mù tǎ 应县木塔), the world's biggest palace and Buddha statue, the Imperial Palace (gù gōng 故宫) and Leshan Grand Buddha Statue (lè shān dà fó 乐山大佛), The largest Yellow Crane Tower imperial garden, “the garden of all gardens”, Summer Palace (yuán míng yuán 圆明园), the world's longest fresco, Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes (dūn huáng mò gāo kū 敦煌莫高窟), the world's most splendid building located at the highest land above sea level, Potala Paiacel (bù dá lā gōng 布达拉宫), the world's most wonderful karst landscape, the Stone Forest (shí lín 石林), the world's most steep peaks, Mt. Huangshan (huáng shān 黄山), one of the world s biggest waterfalls, Huangguoshu Falls (huáng guǒ shù pù bù 黄果树瀑布). Besides these, other well-known sights here are the solemn and dignified Huangdi Tomb (huáng dì lǐng 皇帝陵), the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan (chéng jí sī hǎn lǐng 成吉思汗陵), the Tredici Tombe Ming (míng shí sān lǐng 明十三陵), Dr. Sun Yet-sen's Mausoleum (sūn zhōng shān lǐng 孙中山陵) and so on.The wedding of Emperor Guang Xu (guāng xù dà hūn 光绪大婚), a memorial ceremony at Confucius Temple (kǒng miào jì diàn 孔庙祭奠) and the local conditions and customs of weddings and funerals are the scenes you will like.

Comprehensive Service AreaLeshan Grand Buddha Statue
In this Area, you can have a taste of the delicious cuisines of Beijing (běi jīng 北京), Sichuan (sì chuān 四川), Jiangsu (jiāng sū 江苏) and Guangdong (guǎng dōng 广东) as well as traditional delicacies and snacks of other parts of the country. You can also have a good assortment of handicrafts and local specialties to choose from.

Since the Splendid China opened, it has received over 30 million Chinese and foreign tourists, including Deng Xiaoping (dèng xiǎo píng 邓小平), Jiang Zemin (jiāng zé mín 江泽民), the America ex-president Bush, ex- secretary of state Kissinger, the president of Cuba- Castro etc.. It is the world of the flower, the world of green and the world of beauty. Moreover, it is the window of Chinese history, culture and tourism.
  Suzhou Street

Address: Shennan Boulevard, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (nán shān qū 南山区), Shenzhen
Admission fee: CNY 120 (including the ticket for China Folk Culture Villages)
Opening hours: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (9:30 p.m. closing for China Folk Culture Village)
1. Subway: Line 1 - Hua Qiao Cheng Station
2. Bus: 423, 209, 223, 204, 301, 101