A full , formal banquet , combining Manchurian and Chinese delicacies (满汉全席) |
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A full , formal banquet , combining Manchurian and Chinese delicacies a collection of China's Manchu and Han banquet catering giant characteristics, originated in the Qing court, the original for the 66-year-old birthday of Emperor Kangxi of the feast, designed to defuse the Man does not and, later followed this tradition, adding a delicacy, very luxurious. Feast of the Qing Dynasty also includes pro-Mongolia fan feast, feast Tingchen, million birthday feast, feast Minds 1000, nine white feast. Some recipes:
满汉全席是中国一种集合满族和汉族饮食特色的巨型筵席,起源于清朝的宫廷,原为康熙66岁大寿的宴席,旨在化解满汉不和,后世沿袭此一传统,加入珍馐,极为奢华。清代名宴还包括蒙古亲藩宴、廷臣宴、万寿宴、千叟宴、九白宴。 部分菜谱:
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