Fo tiao qiang (佛跳墙) |
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History This is a kind of superior dish, whose original name is “Fu Shou Quan”. It was first created by eminent Juchunyuan Restaurant of Fuzhou during the region of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty. Fo Tiaoqiang is made of 28 kinds of fresh ingredients such as, abalone, sea cucumber, shark’s fin, fish maw, shark's lip, tendons, hams, dried scallop, dried mushroom and Shaoxing Wine etc. Put them into an earthen jar and seal up with mud. It takes more than 10 hours to stew with slow fire. The flavor is delicious and the sweet perfumes are diffused all around. It is a delicacy in autumn and winter. No wonder that one skillful writer in Qing Dynasty recite poems to praise “The fragrance float in the air even to the neighbor house when open up. The Buddha leap the wall as soon as smell the scent.” Fo Tiao Qiang(Steamed Abalone with Shark's Fin and Fish Maw) is thus named.
Sea,cucumber,Shark Scallops,Fish Maw,Ham,Mushrooms,Winter bamboo shoots,Duck gizzard,Gedan,Fat hen,Water-fat pig tendons,Pig meat Feibiao,Sheep elbow,Duck Condiment: Ginger,Onion,Cinnamon,Shao liquor,MSG,Crystal sugar,Soy sauce,Pig soup Methods: 1. Water will be made to the sand shark, tick row of bamboo in the grate, the boiling water into the pot Congduan plus 30 grams, 15 grams of ginger, 100 grams Shaojiu cook for 10 minutes, remove the smell of their support, to pick onions, ginger , No juice, grate out into the bowl, placed on shark Feibiao pig meat, wine Jiashao 50 grams, on Long Ti Wanghuo with steamed out 2 hours, to pick Feibiao meat, steamed to Decanter juice. 2. Yu Chun cut growth of 2 centimeters, 4.5 centimeters wide of the block, into the boiling pot, add 30 grams Congduan, Shaojiu 100 grams, 15 grams ginger cook for 10 minutes remove Qu Xing, picking onions to ginger. 3. Bao money into the Long Ti, Wang Huo take steam out rotten, washed after each piece into 2, Ji crosswise on the knife, into the Sheng Xiao Pen, plus soup 250 grams, 15 grams Shaojiu, Wang put Longti Remove the steamer for 30 minutes, steaming to Decanter juice. Gedan cooked, peeled. 4. Chickens, ducks, respectively Duoqu head, neck, feet. Pig carcasses sharp tick, net pulled hair, wash. Sheep scratch elbow cleaned. Four more than the expected cut 12, with the net duck gizzard together under the pot boil for a short time like boiling water, remove the blood salvage. Zhu Du-ri valgus washed with boiling water and boil for a short time twice a muddy flavor removed, cut into 12, hack, plus soup with the boiling of 250 grams, 85 grams of wine Jiashao boil for a short time you picked up, Tom Khan Do not have to. 5. Sea water will be cleaned, each cut in two pieces. Wash water pig tendons, cut into 2-inch-long paragraph. Net tendon ham meat plus 150 grams of water, on Long Ti Wanghuo with steam 30 minutes out, steaming to Decanter juice, cut into 1 cm thick film. Winter bamboo shoots release remove cooked in boiling water pot boil for a short time, each cut into four straight, flat shot softly force. Wang Huo buy pot, pot Shuzhu You put 70 very badly burned hot, it will Gedan, hack-fried pieces of winter bamboo shoots about 2 minutes to salvage. Subsequently, the fish will be hack-high fish maw, Zhazhi can be broken hand, poured oil to Loushao Lek, and then out into soak in water, cut growth of 4.5 centimeters, 2.5 centimeters wide of the block. 6. Pot to stay more than 50 grams of oil, heat 70 Wanghuo very badly, it will Congduan 35 grams, 45 grams ginger flavor hack-Chao Chu, into chickens, ducks, sheep elbow, a sharp Pig, duck gizzard, Zhu Du speculation for several blocks, adding 75 grams of soy sauce, MSG 10 grams, 75 grams crystal sugar, Shaojiu 2150 grams, 500 grams soup, cinnamon, and cook for 20 minutes after the stamp, to pick onions, ginger, cinnamon, fishing Qiguo Liu Sheng out in the basin, soup stand-by. 7. Shaoxing rice wine altar get a wash, adding 500 grams of water, Wei Huo on the Heat, was a net altar in water, put an altar at the end of Grate Kotake, the first of cooked chickens, ducks, goats, elbow, a sharp Pig, Duck gizzard, Zhu Du block and took black mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots into pieces, then shark's fin, ham, scallops, abalone film into a rectangular bag with gauze and put in chickens, ducks, and other material, and then poured into Zhuji, ducks, and other material The soup, lotus leaf altar in the mouth on the cover and back on to withhold a small bowl. Good equipment, altar wine will be placed on the charcoal stove, simmer low heat 2 hours after al Kai, will speed japonicus, tendons, Yuchun, and fish belly Add the high altar, I immediately closed a good altar, and then a simmer An hour out, serve, I will be altar dish and pour it into the large basin Hu, gauze bag is opened, Gedan on top. At the same time, I am similar to keep up with a dish of radish, bean sprouts mixed with a plate of ham, the latter a dish of fried mushrooms, hot mustard oil, as well as a silver disc volumes and file Fresh fried sesame. 历史: 据说此菜最初由当时福州官钱局一位官员的内眷所做。这位官员设家宴请布政使周莲,菜上桌后香飘四溢,周莲品尝后赞不绝口,命家厨郑春发仿制。郑春发十几岁就开始学艺,曾在京、杭、苏、粤从厨深造,手艺极高。他请教了官员的内眷之后,回家对此菜进行了改造,原料多用海鲜,少用肉,并起名为“坛烧八宝”。后来,郑春发集股开办三友斋菜馆,后又更名为聚春圆。聚春圆主要承办官场宴席,根据一些美食家的建议,郑春发不断改进此菜的配料,并正式起名为“福寿全”,为聚春圆的第一菜。许多美食家、文人墨客都慕名远道而来,品味此菜后,赞叹不已,席间有一秀才以诗助兴道:“坛启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来”,此菜便以“佛跳墙”之名而流传至今。此菜食物多样,软糯脆嫩,汤浓鲜美,味中有味,回味无穷,营养丰富,并能明目养颜、活血舒筋、滋阴补身、增进食欲。 配料: 海参,鱼翅,干贝,花胶火腿,冬菇,冬笋,净鸭肫,鸽蛋,母鸡,猪蹄筋,猪肥膘肉,羊肚 调料: 姜片 葱 桂皮 绍酒 味精 冰糖 酱油 猪骨汤 制作方法: 1. 将水发鱼翅去沙,剔整排在竹箅上,放进沸水锅中加葱段30克、姜片15克、绍酒100克煮10分钟,支其腥味取出,拣去葱、姜,汁不用,将箅拿出放进碗里,鱼翅上摆放猪肥膘肉,加绍酒50克,上笼屉用旺火蒸2小时取出,拣去肥膘肉,滗去蒸汁。 2. 鱼唇切成长2厘米、宽4.5厘米的块,放进沸水锅中,加葱段30克、绍酒100克、姜片15克煮10分钟去腥捞出,拣去葱、姜。 3. 金钱鲍放进笼屉,用旺火蒸取烂取出,洗净后每个片成两片,剞上十字花刀,盛入小盆,加骨汤250克、绍酒15克,放进笼屉旺火蒸30分钟取出,滗去蒸汁。鸽蛋煮熟,去壳。 4. 鸡、鸭分别剁去头、颈、脚。猪蹄尖剔壳,拔净毛,洗净。羊肘刮洗干净。以上四料各切12块,与净鸭肫一并下沸水锅氽一下,去掉血水捞起。猪肚里外翻洗干净,用沸水氽两次,去掉浊味后,切成12块,下锅中,加同有汤250克烧沸,加绍酒85克氽一下捞起,汤汗不用。 5. 将水发刺参洗净,每只切为两片。水发猪蹄筋洗净,切成2寸长的段。净火腿腱肉加清水150克,上笼屉用旺火蒸30分钟取出,滗去蒸汁,切成厚约1厘米的片。冬笋放沸水锅中氽熟捞出,每条直切成四块,用力轻轻拍扁。锅置旺火上,熟猪油放锅中烧至七成热时,将鸽蛋、冬笋块下锅炸约2分钟捞起。随后,将鱼高鱼肚下锅,炸至手可折断时,倒进漏勺沥去油,然后放入清水中浸透取出,切成长4.5厘米、宽2.5厘米的块。 6. 锅中留余油50克,用旺火烧至七成热时,将葱段35克、姜片45克下锅炒出香味后,放入鸡、鸭、羊肘、猪蹄尖、鸭肫、猪肚块炒几下,加入酱油75克、味精10克、冰糖75克、绍酒2150克、骨汤500克、桂皮,加盖煮20分钟后,拣去葱、姜、桂皮,起锅捞出各料盛于盆,汤汁待用。 7. 取一个绍兴酒坛洗净,加入清水500克,放在微火上烧热,倒净坛中水,坛底放一个小竹箅,先将煮过的鸡、鸭、羊、肘、猪蹄尖、鸭肫、猪肚块及花冬菇、冬笋块放入,再把鱼翅、火腿片、干贝、鲍鱼片用纱布包成长方形,摆在鸡、鸭等料上,然后倒入煮鸡、鸭等料的汤汁,用荷叶在坛口上封盖着,并倒扣压上一只小碗。装好后,将酒坛置于木炭炉上,用小火煨2小时后启盖,速将刺参、蹄筋、鱼唇、鱼高肚放入坛内,即刻封好坛口,再煨一小时取出,上菜时,将坛口菜胡倒在大盆内,纱布包打开,鸽蛋放在最上面。同时,跟上蓑衣萝卜一碟、火腿拌豆芽一碟、冬菇炒豆苗一碟、油辣芥一碟以及银丝卷、芝麻烧饼佐食。
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