Northwest University has its origin in Shaanx iCollege founded in 1902, and assumed its present name in 1912. It was renamed National Northwest University in 1923, and called National Xi’an Provisional University after the merger with National Beiping University, Beiping Normal University, Beiyang College of Engineering and other institutions, which moved inland to Shaanxi when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in 1937. The Provisional University was subsequently named National Northwest Associated University in 1938, and NationalNorthwestUniversity in 1939.
In the early period after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, NorthwestUniversity was one of the 14 comprehensive universities under the direct administration of the central government’s Ministry of Education. In 1958, the University came under the administration of the Shaanxi Provincial Government. In 1978, it was designated as one of the key universities in China. Currently, the University is one of China’s leading comprehensive, multi-disciplinary universities of liberal arts, sciences, engineering, management, law and medicine, with equal emphasis on both teaching and research. It is also one of the institutions of higher learning listed in the State “211 Project”, and one of the universities supported by the State in its western China development campaign.
学校现有北校区、桃园校区、南校区三个校区,总占地面积2360余亩。现设25个院(系),71个本科专业。现有10个博士学位授权一级学科,84个博士学位授权学科、专业,151个硕士学位授权学科、专业,4个专业学位授权点及高等学校教师在职攻读硕士学位授予权,13个博士后科研流动站,7个国家人才培养基地,并设有国家大学生文化素质教育基地。现有1个一级学科国家重点学科(涵盖5个二级学科)、4个二级学科国家重点学科、1个国家重点(培育)学科, 1个国家重点实验室,1个国家工程技术研究中心,24个省部级重点实验室、工程技术研究中心和哲学社会科学重点研究基地。现有教职工2400余人,其中中科院院士2人,双聘院士6人,国家级和省级有突出贡献专家38人,国家级教学名师3人。在校学生23000余人,其中研究生6000余人,外国留学生700余人。
Undergraduate Programs
History, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Chinese Language and Literature, Journalism, Advertising, Art Design, Archaeology, Preservation Technology of Cultural Relics, Public Administration, Management Science, Administration of Public Affairs, Studies of Archives, Library Science, Labor and Social Security, Information Management and Information Systems, International Economy and Trade, Finance and Banking, Business Administration, Tourism Administration, Accounting, English, Japanese, Law, Philosophy, Social Work, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Informational and Computational Science, Applied Physics, Computer Science and Technology, Optical Information Science and Technology, Telecommunication Engineering, Electronic Information and Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Chemistry, Materials Science, Applied Science, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Process Equipment and Control, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Biological Science, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Geographical Information System, Urban Planning, Environmental Science, Resource Exploration and Survey, and Environmental Engineering.
Graduate Programs
Journalism, Theories of Literature and Arts, Ancient Chinese Literature, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Fine Arts, Comparative Literature and Foreign Literature, Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, World History*, English Language and Literature, Archaeology and Museology, Special History*, Studies of Historical Documents, Ancient Chinese History, Modern and Contemporary Chinese History, Public Administration, Social Security, History of Economic Thoughts, Political Economy*, National Economy, Enterprise Management, Tourism Management, Accounting, International Law, Business Administration, Basic Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, History of Science and Technology*, Theoretical Physics*, Optics*, Inorganic Chemistry*, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry*, Physical Chemistry, Physical Geography, Human Geography, Environmental Science, Cartology and Cartological Information System, Botany*, Zoology, Microbiology, Electric Circuits and System, Chemical Engineering*, Computer Software and Theory, Technology of Computer Application, Chemical Technology, Biochemical Engineering, Mineralogy, Petrology, and Ore Deposit Studies*, Applied Chemistry, Geochemistry Paleontology and Stratigraphy*, Geological Engineering*, Structural Geology*, Quaternary Geology*, Mineral Survey and Exploration*, and Geological Exploration and Information Technology*.
(Programs with * offer both Master’s and doctoral degrees.)
Chinese for foreigners (Undergraduate program)
This is a Bachelor’s program provided by the College of International Cultural Exchanges (CICE) for international students whose native languages are not Chinese. The program provides students knowledge and skills necessary to seek careers in teaching, translation, research, and other professions related to the Chinese language, culture, and economy. All the courses in this program are instructed in Chinese. Qualified graduates will be awarded diplomas or bachelor’s degrees.
Non-degree programs in Chinese Language (The length varies from half a year to 2 years)
The programs consist of Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced Chinese in accordance with the students’ Chinese language levels. Courses include listening, speaking, reading and writing, and offered in small classes with approximately 15 people.
Short-term study programs
A. Chinese Language: The main courses include Chinese listening, speaking, reading, writing, and Chinese culture (Chinese Calligraphy, Painting, Folk Music, Taiji Boxing, etc.)
B. Chinese Culture: The main courses include Basic Chinese (primary and intermediate), Chinese History, Geography and Culture, Ancient Chinese Literature, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Ancient Chinese Thoughts, Chinese Arts, Chinese Politics and Diplomatic Relations, Chinese Martial Arts, and Chinese Cuisine.
All short-term study programs are open for application at any time. The schedule of courses is negotiable in accordance with the requests of target groups, and the number of students in each group should be at least 10.
Individuals can apply for short-term study programs throughout the year.
Applicants can request an Application Form from and submit to the Office of International Students Services of CICE at Northwest University. We welcome colleges, universities and other educational organizations all over the world to recommend students to our institution.
(Courses in Chinese language and culture (Registration 312/ year)
Length of stay
1 month
2 months
1 semester
2 semesters
Non-degree, undergraduate, graduate and advanced visiting scholars programs:
Arts and social sciences
(annual fee)
Sciences and engineering
(annual fee)
Non-degree and undergraduate
Master's degree
Doctoral degree
Advanced visiting scholars
2. Housing fees (for students staying for more than 3 months)
Room Style
Washroom, air-conditioner, color TV, telephone, wideband
¥ 31 person/day
Air-conditioner, color TV, telephone
¥ 6000 person/year
Washroom, air-conditioner, color TV, telephone ,wideband
¥ 47 person/day
Four people
Air-conditioner, color TV, telephone
¥3000 person/year
The International Student Building is equipped with a kitchen, refrigerator, washing machine, IC telephone, and hot drinking water facilities on each floor. Hot water is available around the clock, and heating is provided in winter.
CICE has two buildings with over 300 rooms in different styles -- single, double, standard, and suite rooms. CICE’s Computer Lab gives access to the Internet for students. Other facilities include sports fields and gymnasium, etc.
3. Board
Food services are available in CICE’s Dining Hall. It costs approximately 900 yuan a month for a student to eat in the Dining Hall.
4. Other services:
Free services: Room reservation, Residence Permit and visa application, air and train tickets reservation, and picking-up at the airport or train station (for a group of 5 or more).
Paid services: Picking-up at the airport or train station (for 1 to 4 persons), access to the Internet in the Computer Lab, printing, copying, fax transmission and receipt, and international phone calls.
Application Deadlines
Fall: June 15;
Spring: December 15.
Application Checklist
1. A Completed Application Form for Foreigners Wishing to Study in China and Certificate of Guarantee;
2. Certificates of diplomas and degrees and transcripts. Applicants for a degree program must submit HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi-Chinese Language Proficiency Test) score;
3. Results of physical examination with the items required in Records of Foreigners’ Physical Examination enacted by the quarantine department of the People's Republic of China.
As to the schedules, subjects and forms of the entrance examinations to the Master’s and doctoral programs, please contact the Office of International Student Services.
Adds: Mail # 142 College of International Cultural Exchanges Northwest University
Xi’an 710069, P. R. China
Phone: 86-29-88303928
Fax: 86-29-88303511
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Chinese Study | Education in China | Chinese Language Study