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Located in Haidian District which is home to many key universities in China, Beijing Forestry University (BFU) is a top institution of higher education in forestry and ecological environment under the direct leadership of the Ministry of Education. Thanks to the unremitting efforts of generations of people, Beijing Forestry University which is founded in 1952 has developed itself form a forestry college into a multi-disciplinary national key university with forestry, biology and forestry engineering as its leading disciplines, together with an extensive coverage of courses in sciences, engineering, management, economics, liberal arts, law, and philosophy. Besides undergraduate, graduate and doctoral education, its personnel training system also includes further education and international student education. So far there are 50 undergraduate subjects offered by 12 schools, 73 graduate disciplines and 35 doctoral disciplines. The BFU has 495 full and associate professors, of whom 127 are supervisors of Ph.D. programs and five are academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). Its advantage specialties such as landscape architecture, biological science, forestry silviculture, soil and water conservation are in the leading position in China. By 2006, it has had an enrollment of 12,900 undergraduate students and 2,700 postgraduate students. Equipped with good facilities serving for instruction and research, the BFU can provide a desirable environment for students. 北京林业大学是教育部直属、教育部与国家林业局共建的全国重点大学。办学历史可追溯至1902年的京师大学堂农业科林学目。1952年全国高校院系调整,北京农业大学森林系与河北农学院森林系合并,正式成立北京林学院。1956年,北京农业大学造园系和清华大学建筑系部分并入我校。1960年被列为全国63所重点高等院校之一。1982年国务院批准我校为首批具有博士、硕士学位授予权的高校。1985年更名为北京林业大学。1996年被国家列为“211工程”首批建设的41所高校之一,2001年被列为《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》建设的22所高校之一。2004年5月通过教育部评估,正式成立研究生院,成为全国56所建有研究生院的高校之一。2005年被国家列为42所具有本科自主选拔录取资格的高校之一。 学校现已发展成为以林学、生物学、林业工程学为特色,农、理、工、管、经、文、法、哲、教相结合的多科性协调发展的全国重点大学。学校现有13个学院,35个博士点,73个硕士点,51个本科专业及方向,拥有9个国家级重点学科,12个省部级重点学科。学校现有在校生21516人,其中本科生13237人,研究生3171人,各类成人教育学生5108。 学校现有专任教师989人,其中具有高级职称教师533人。拥有中国工程院院士5人,国家级有突出贡献专家8人,省部级有突出贡献专家18人,长江学者3 人,国家“新世纪百千万人才工程”人选1人享受国务院政府特殊津贴105人。教师获奖众多,其中有1人获何梁何利科技进步奖,1人获国际环境突出贡献奖,1人获全国优秀科技工作者称号,2人获全国模范教师称号,4人获全国优秀教师称号,其他获各类省部级以上奖励200余人次。 It admits international enrollments from language students to post doctors covering all of its specialties. By 2006 there have been about 1,200 international students studying in this university from such countries as Korea, Japan, the United States, Britain, Thailand, Indonesia, Austria, Italy, Finland, France, Turkey, Vietnam, Mongolia, etc. 2009年春季汉语班上课时间 3月6日----06月26日 一、具体安排
The International Students Office Adds: Room 322, Office Building of BFU, No 35, Tsinghua Esatern Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100083 BOX 226# Tel:62338271 Fax:62310316 Homepage: 通讯地址:中国北京市海淀区清华东路35号 北京林业大学226信箱 100083 刁雅榕
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