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Home Practical Chinese Daily Figurative Slangs (47)
Daily Figurative Slangs (47)
Learn Chinese - Practical Chinese
三天打鱼两天晒网 (sān tiān dǎ yú liǎng tiān shāi wǎng)

Net fishes for three days and dry one’s net in the sun for two days.
Work by fits and starts.

Yòng yú xíng róng zuò shì méi yǒu héng xīn,
   用   于  形    容    做  事  没  有    恒   心,
bù néng gòu jiān chī
 不  能    够   坚   持。

(zuò wéi xué shēng xué xí shì bù néng gòu sān tiān dǎ yú liǎng tiān shài wǎng de)
As a student, you can’t study in the way of working by fits and starts.

胳膊拧不过大腿 (gē bo nǐng bú guò dà tuǐ)
An arm cannot contest with a thigh.
Little fish does not eat big fish.

Ruò xiǎo de shì wù bù néng yǔ qiáng dà de shì wù duì kàng.
 弱    小  的  事 物  不   能    与   强   大 的  事 物   对   抗。
Things are too week cannot fight with the one too strong.

(tā bà ba shì jūn guān, bú yào rě tā, gē bo nǐng bú guò dà tuǐ.)
His father is an offcer, so don’t enrage him. Little fish does not eat big fish.


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