Measures for the Administration of the Mountaineering Conducted by Foreigners in China |
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Measures for the Administration of the Mountaineering Conducted by Foreigners in China
外国人来华登山管理办法 Chapter I General Provisions
Article 2 These Measures apply to the mountaineering by Foreigners in China involving the following peaks open to foreigners and concurrent conduct of scientific investigations and surveys in regions around these peaks during the climb: (1) peaks above 5,000 metres above sea level in the Tibet Autonomous Region; (2) peaks above 3,500 metres above sea level in other provinces and autonomous regions. Article 3 Foreigners conducting mountaineering in China shall abide by the laws of China, and their legitimate rights and interests shall be protected by the laws of China. Article 4 The administration of the mountaineering conducted by Foreigners in China shall follow the principle of authorities at various levels assuming their respective responsibilities under a unified leadership. Article 5 The opening of a peak to foreigners shall be announced by the Physical Culture and Sports Commission (hereinafter referred to as the State Sports Commission) and the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China. Chapter II Procedures for Conducting Mountaineering in China Article 6 Foreigners coming to China for mountaineering may either organize their own expedition or form a joint expedition with a Chinese team. Article 7 Foreigners coming to China for mountaineering shall submit a written application to the State Sports Commission. If foreigners organize their own expedition, they shall submit the application in the name of the expedition or may entrust a provincial or autonomous regional mountaineering association of China to submit the application on behalf of the expedition. In the case of a joint expedition formed by foreigners with a Chinese team, the application shall be made by the Chinese team. Article 8 The State Sports Commission shall decide whether to approve or disapprove an application within 60 days after the receipt of the application from a foreign expedition or a Chinese-foreign joint one, and shall notify, in written form, its decision to the foreign or the Chinese-foreign joint expedition, or to the provincial or autonomous regional mountaineering association which has made the application on behalf of a foreign expedition, as well as to the sports commission of the province or autonomous region where the mountaineering activities are to take place. Article 9 After being notified of the approval by the State Sports Commission, the foreign expedition shall pay the registration fee as notified and sign a mountaineering protocol with the unit designated in the notification. The unit that signs the mountaineering protocol (hereinafter referred to as the Chinese signatory) with a foreign expedition shall promptly submit a copy of the protocol to the State Sports Commission to be put on record. Article 10 The protocol shall not be altered in substance at will after it has been submitted to the State Sports Commission and put on record. When any alteration is needed, it is subject to the confirmation by both the Chinese and foreign signatories through consultation. Any change in the season, route or destination of a climb shall be reported to the State Sports Commission for reexamination and new approval. Article 11 The foreign expedition shall, one month before its entry into China, remit to the Chinese signatory all the budgeted expenses for its mountaineering in China, and secure visas from the Chinese embassy or consulate as notified by the State Sports Commission. Chapter III Mountaineering Activities Article 12 Before starting a climb, the foreign expedition shall make arrangements to provide insurance for the accompanying Chinese citizens and adopt workable measures to protect natural environment in the mountain areas in accordance with the requirements of the State Sports Commission. Article 13 Foreign mountaineers in China shall observe the following rules: (1) The climb shall aim at the peak along the route approved by the State Sports Commission, and may not aim at any other peak or depart from the approved route. No mutual assignment of peaks to be climbed or routes to be followed is allowed between foreign expeditions. (2) A foreign expedition may not admit as its own member a member from any other expedition. (3) Permission from the State Sports Commission is needed if a foreign expedition intends to display a national flag of the country the expedition represents, and a national flag of similar size of the People's Republic of China shall be displayed simultaneously. (4) The names and altitudes of the peaks promulgated by the relevant departments of the Chinese Government shall be the standard ones whenever referred to. (5) Climbing routes and camps shall be kept clean. No momentos or any other things shall be left in the climbing areas without permission. (6) Results of the expedition and any accident occurring during the climb shall be promptly reported to the State Sports Commission and the Chinese signatory. Article 14 The foreign mountaineering expedition shall write a report upon completing a climb. The report and all the audio and video recordings made during the climb shall be given gratis to the State Sports Commission and the sports commission of the province or autonomous region where the climb has taken place. Article 15 A certificate shall be issued to the foreign mountaineer who has reached the summit of a peak and whose success has been confirmed by the State Sports Commission. Article 16 Foreign mountaineers must be accompanied by Chinese liaison officials during their climb in China. The liaison officials shall be designated by the Chinese signatory and their duties are as follows: 1. to assist and supervise foreigners in carrying out relevant regulations of China; 2. to help foreigners to solve problems arising from their climb; 3. to report related matters to the Chinese signatory; 4. to mediate disputes between foreigners and Chinese service personnel. Article 17 Where foreign mountaineers need services of Chinese citizens, the matter shall be handled by the liaison officials. Charges may be collected for the services provided by Chinese citizens. The categories and rates of service charges shall be published by the State Sports Commission. Article 18 The foreign expedition shall provide the accompanying Chinese citizens with medical care, first-aid treatments and equipments needed for camping and cooking. Without the consent of the Chinese liaison officials, the foreign expedition may not dismiss any Chinese citizen it has employed or suspend the subsidies. In the case of a Chinese-foreign joint expedition, the methods for providing the accompanying Chinese citizens with medical care, first aid treatments and equipments for camping and cooking shall be determined through consultation by the two parties. Chapter IV Mountaineering Expeditions with Scientific Investigation and Survey Article 19 For mountaineering with concurrent scientific investigation and survey, a plan for such scientific investigation and survey shall be submitted to the State Sports Commission simultaneously with the application for mountaineering. The State Sports Commission shall forward the plan to the State Science and Technology Commission or the State Survey and Drawing Bureau for examination and approval. Before a plan for scientific investigation and survey is approved, foreign climbers may not carry out any systematic observation of the living beings, rocks, minerals, ice and snow, water and soil in the areas they pass through. Nor may they collect specimens, samples or fossils or engage in the work of survey and drawing. Article 20 Any foreign expedition or Chinese-foreign joint expedition which has undertaken concurrent scientific investigation and survey shall submit the following specimens and data to the State Science and Technology Commission through the Chinese signatory: (1) a list of the specimens, samples and fossils collected; (2) any new species of animals or plants and any special tax on of animals and plants that have been discovered; (3) holo-type specimens of the new species of animals or plants and the specimens of especially rare of the animals or plants collected; (4) the results of laboratory analyses of specimens, samples and fossils; (5) a copy of the audio-visual recordings of the concurrent scientific investigation and survey during the mountaineering. The foreign or Chinese-foreign joint expedition that has conducted survey and drawing shall submit to the State Survey and Drawing Bureau a copy or reproduction of the results of its work through the Chinese signatory. Chapter V Entry and Exit of Mountaineering Equipments and Supplies Article 21 Foreigners bringing articles for mountaineering into China shall declare them to the Customs as “specially permitted import” or “provisional import” as the case may be. After the verification and permission by the Customs, the formalities relating to the Customs duties and guarantees shall be gone through. Article 22 A reasonable amount of consumer goods, including special provisions, medicines for first-aid, cold-proof clothes and fuel needed by mountaineers, may be brought into China as specially permitted duty-free articles. Duties shall be levied for articles exceeding the reasonable amount. With the permission of relevant government departments, apparatus for communication, photography, video taping, survey and drawing, and special means of transportation may be brought into China as provisionally duty-free articles. After the mountaineering, these articles shall be out of China. If this is not possible due to special reasons, due formalities shall be completed through the State Sports Commission according to relevant regulations of the State. Article 23 The specimens, samples and fossils collected and the audio-visual materials produced by a foreign or Chinese-foreign joint expedition may be taken out of China only after they have been inspected and permitted by the relevant departments. Chapter VI Penalty Provisions Article 24 The State Sports Commission or the sports commissions at provincial or autonomous regional level may impose such penalties as a warning, a fine ranging from 5,000 to 50,000 yuan (RMB), or cessation of the mountaineering depending on the seriousness of each case on foreign mountaineers who have violated the stipulations in Articles 12,13, 18, 19 and 20 of these Measures, or who have conducted mountaineering without permission of the State Sports Commission. For those who have violated the stipulations in Articles 19 and 20 of these Measures, the State Sports Commission or the sports commissions at the provincial or autonomous regional level may penalize separately or in addition to the penalties mentioned in the paragraph above, the violators by seizing the specimens, samples and fossils they have collected as well as the materials they have produced. Article 25 Where a party concerned refuses to accept the administrative penalty decision, the party may apply for administrative reconsideration of case according to the relevant laws and regulations of China. Where the party concerned refuses to accept the reconsideration decision, an administrative lawsuit may be filed according to the relevant laws of China. Where the party concerned neither apply for reconsideration nor file an administrative law suit within a prescribed time limit, while refusing to comply with the penalty decision on expiry of the time limit, the administrative department which decided on the penalty may apply for a compulsory enforcement by the people's court. Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions Article 26 The mountaineering in the mainland conducted by compatriots from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao shall be administered with reference to these Measures. Article 27 The State Physical Culture and Sports Commission shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures. Article 28 These Measures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation. 外国人来华登山管理办法 (1991年国务院批准1991年8月29日中华人民共和国体育运动委员会令 第16号发布) 第一章 总则 第一条 为了加强对外国人在中国境内登山的管理,有组织地进行国际登山交流,促进我国登山事业发展,制定本办法。 第二条 外国人在中国境内攀登下列对外开放的山峰以及附带在山峰区域内进行科学考察、测绘活动,适用本办法; (一) 西藏自治区海拔5000米以上的山峰; (二) 其他省、自治区海拔3500米以上的山峰。 第三条 外国人在中国境内进行登山活动,应当遵守中国的法律; 外国人的正当权益,受中国法律保护。 第四条 对外国人在中国境内登山的管理,实行统一领导,分级负责的原则。 第五条 对外开放山峰由中华人民共和国国家体育运动委员会(以下简称国家体委)和公安部公布。 第二章 来华登山手续 第六条 外国人来华登山,可以自行组成团队,也可以由外国团队和中国团队组成联合团队。 第七条 外国人来华登山,应当向国家体委提出书面申请。 外国人组成外国团队来华登山的,由外国团队提出申请,也可以委托我国省、自治区登山协会代理申请事宜。 外国团队和中国团队组成中外联合团队登山的,由中国团队提出申请。 第八条 国家体委收到外国团队或中外联合团队的登山申请后,应当在60日内作出是否批准的决定,并以书面形式通知外国团队或者中外联合队、代理申请事宜的省、自治区登山协会和登山活动所在省、自治区体委。 第九条 外国团队接到国家体委批准的登山通知后,应当按照通知要求缴纳注册费,并与通知中指定的单位签订登山议定书。 与外国团队签订登山议定书的单位(以下简称中方签约单位)应当及时将议定书副本报送国家体委备案。 第十条 议定书报送国家体委备案后,不得任意变更。如需要变更,应当经签订议定书的中外双方协商确认;如果变更攀登的季节、路线或者山峰,应当重新报国家体委审批。 第十一条 外国团队应当在入境的一个月前,将在中国境内登山的经费按预算全额汇寄中方签约单位,并按照国家体委的通知在中国驻外使(领)馆办理签证。 第三章 登山活动 第十二条 外国团队在登山前应当为随队的中国公民办理有关保险事项,并根据国家体委的要求落实保护山区自然环境的各项措施。 第十三条 外国人登山,应当遵守下列规定: (一) 按照国家体委批准的山峰和路线进行攀登,不得攀登其他山峰,不得越过批准的路线;外国登山团队之间不得互相转让攀登的山峰和路线; (二) 外国登山团队不得吸收本团队以外的队员; (三) 如要求展现外国团队所在国国旗,应当经中国国家体委同意,并同时展现规格相当的中国国旗; (四) 使用山峰的名称和高度,应当以中国政府有关部门公布的为准; (五) 保持登山路线和营区的环境卫生,不得自行在登山活动区域安放纪念品和其他物品; (六) 将登山活动的结果和登山过程中的意外情况及时报告国家体委和中方签约单位。 第十四条 外国人在登山活动结束后,应当以团队为单位写出总结报告书。 登山活动总结报告书以及在登山期间摄录的音像资料,应当无偿向国家体委和登山活动所在省、自治区体委提供。 第十五条 外国人在我国境内登顶成功,由国家体委确认后,发给其登顶证明书。 第十六条 外国人在我国境内登山期间,必须有我国联络人员陪同。联络人员由中方签约单位指定,其职责是: (一) 协助并监督外国人执行我国的有关规定; (二) 协助解决外国人在登山活动中的有关问题; (三) 向中方签约单位报告有关情况; (四) 调解外国人与中方服务人员的纠纷。 第十七条 外国人登山,需要我国公民提供服务,由我国联络人员办理。 中国公民向外国人提供服务,可以收取服务费用。服务费用的项目和标准,由国家体委公布。 第十八条 外国团队应当为随队的中国公民提供医疗、急救以及必要的宿营、炊事用具。 未经我国联络人员同意,外国团队不得自行解雇随队的中国公民或者停发津贴。 中外联合团队向随队的中国公民提供医疗、急救和宿营、炊事用具的办法,由组成中外联合团队的各方协商。 第四章 登山附带科学考察和测绘 第十九条 登山附带科学考察和测绘的,应当在办理登山申请的同时,向国家体委申报科学考察和测绘计划,由国家体委分别转国家科学技术委员会或者国家测绘局审批。 科学考察和测绘计划未经批准,外国登山人员不得对所经地区的生物、岩石、矿物、冰雪、水样和土样进行系统观测,不得采集标本、样品、化石,不得进行测绘活动。 第二十条 外国团队、中外联合团队登山附带科学考察的,应当通过中方签约单位向国家科学技术委员会提供下列样品和资料: (一) 采集的标本、样品和化石的清单; (二) 发现的动植物新种或者特殊动植物的类群; (三) 采集的动植物新种正模式标本、特缺动植物类群的标本; (四) 标本、样品、化石的室内分析结果; (五) 登山附带科学考察的音像资料复制本。 外国团队、中外联合团体登山附带测绘的,应当通过中方签约单位向国家测绘局提供测绘成果的副本或复制件。 第五章 登山物资的入境和出境 第二十一条 外国人携带登山所需物资入境,按"核准进口物品"和"暂时进口物品"分别申报。经海关核准后,办理税收、担保手续。 第二十二条 登山物资中合理数量的专用食品、急救药品、防寒衣物、燃料等消耗物品,可以特准免税入境;超过合理数量的,应当纳税。 国家有关部门允许的通讯、摄影、录像、测绘器材和专用运输工具可以暂时免税入境。登山活动结束,上述物资应当复运出境。如因特殊原因无法复运出境的,应当通过国家体委依照国家有关规定办理手续。 第二十三条 外国团队、中外联合团队登山时采集的标本、样品、化石以及制作的音像资料,经有关部门检验许可后,方可携带出境。 第六章 罚 则 第二十四条 外国人来华登山,违反本办法第十二条、第十三条、第十八条、第十九条、第二十条规定或者未经国家体委批准擅自登山的,国家体委或者省、自治区体委视情节轻重、可以分别给予警告、五千元至五万元的罚款以及停止登山活动等处罚。 违反本办法第十九条、第二十条规定的,国家体委或者省、自治区体委,还可以单处或者并处没收采集的标本、样品、化石和资料的处罚。 第二十五条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可以依照中国有关法律的规定先申请行政复议。当事人对复议决定不服的,可以依照中国的有关法律的规定提起行政诉讼。当事人在规定的期限内不申请复议和不提起行政诉讼,逾期又不履行处罚决定的,作出处罚决定的行政机关可以申请人民法院强制执行。 第七章 附 则 第二十六条 台湾、香港、澳门同胞回大陆登山,参照执行本办法的规定。 第二十七条 本办法由国家体育运动委员会解释。 第二十八条 本办法自发布之日起施行。