Administration of Foreigners Working in China Provisions |
Chinese Law | |||
(Promulgated by the Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, on 22 January 1996 and effective as of 1 May 1996.)Administration of Foreigners Working in China Provisions PART ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations in order to strengthen administration of the employment of foreigners in China. Article 2 For the purposes of these Regulations, the term “foreigners” shall refer to persons who do not have Chinese citizenship pursuant to the provisions of the PRC, Nationality Law. For the purposes of these Regulations, the term “employment of foreigners in China” shall mean the acts of lawful engagement in social labour and obtaining of labour remuneration inside the People's Republic of China by foreigners who do not have the right of permanent residence. Article 3 These Regulations apply to foreigners employed inside the People's Republic of China and work units inside the People's Republic of China which employ foreigners. These Regulations do not apply to personnel of embassies and consulates of foreign countries in the People's Republic of China, the representative offices of the United Nations in the People's Republic of China and other international organizations who enjoy diplomatic privileges and diplomatic immunity. Article 4 The labour administration authorities of the People's Governments of each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the central government and the labour administration authorities at the regional and municipal level authorized by them shall be responsible for administration of the employment of foreigners in China. PART TWO EMPLOYMENT PERMITS Article 5 To hire a foreigner, the employing unit must apply for an employment permit for such foreigner, and may hire such foreigner only after obtaining approval and a Foreigner's Employment Permit of the People's Republic of China (hereafter “Permit”)。 Article 6 The position for which a foreigner is hired by the employing unit shall be a position for which there are special requirements, for which there is a temporary shortage of suitable candidates inside China and which does not violate relevant state regulations. An employing unit may not hire a foreigner to engage in artistic performances of a commercial nature, except, however, in the case of persons who conform to the provisions of section (3) of Article 9 hereof. Article 7 In order to obtain employment in China, a foreigner must satisfy the following conditions: 1. be 18 years of age or above and in good health; 2. have the expertise and relevant work experience required for their work; 3. have no criminal record; 4. have a confirmed hiring unit; and 5. have a valid passport or other international travel documents which can be used instead of a passport (hereafter “Passport Substitute Documents”)。 Article 8 A foreigner employed in China shall enter the People's Republic of China on a work visa (in the case of reciprocal visa exemption agreements, matters shall be handled in accordance with such agreements), and, after entering the People's Republic of China, may be employed inside the People's Republic of China only after obtaining a Foreigner's Employment Certificate (hereafter “Employment Certificate”) and foreigner's residence documents. Foreigners who have not obtained residence documents (that is, holders of F, L, C and G visas), foreigners who have come to study or to conduct fieldwork and the accompanying dependants of foreigners holding work visas may not be employed in China. In extraordinary circumstances, the employing unit shall apply for a Permit in accordance with the examination and approval procedures specified herein, and the foreigner so hired shall proceed to the public security authority to change his or her status on the strength of such Permit. Such foreigner may be employed only after obtaining an Employment Certificate and a residence permit. The employment of spouses of personnel of the embassies and consulates of foreign countries in the People's Republic of China and the representative offices in the People's Republic of China of the United Nations Organization and other international organizations shall be handled in accordance with the PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Concerning the Employment in China of the Spouses of Personnel of Embassies and Consulates of Foreign Countries in the People's Republic of China and the Representative Offices in the People's Republic of China of the United Nations Organization Regulations. The relevant procedures shall be carried out in accordance with the examination and approval procedures specified in paragraph 2 of this Article. Permits and Employment Certificates shall be centrally printed by the Ministry of Labour. Article 9 Foreigners who conform to any of the following conditions need not obtain a work permit or Employment Certificate: 1. foreign specialist technical or management personnel hired and paid for directly by the Chinese government, or foreign specialist technical or management personnel who hold a high-level technical title or credentials in respect of special skills confirmed by an authoritative technical or administrative authority or professional association of their own country or an authoritative international technical or administrative authority or professional association and who are hired and paid for by a state authority or institution, and foreigners who hold a Foreign Expert Certificate issued by the Bureau of Foreign Experts; 2. foreign labour service personnel with special skills who hold a Work Certificate for a Foreigner Engaged in Off-Shore Petroleum Business in the People's Republic of China, who are engaged in off-shore petroleum business and do not need to go ashore; and 3. foreigners who hold a Temporary Permit to Engage in Commercial Performances approved by the Ministry of Culture to carry out artistic performances of a commercial nature. Article 10 Foreigners who conform to any of the following conditions need not obtain a Permit, and may, after entering the People's Republic of China, directly obtain an Employment Certificate on the strength of the work visa and relevant certification: 1. foreigners hired to come to China to work on Chinese-foreign co-operative exchange projects pursuant to agreements or treaties between China and the government of a foreign country or an international organization; and 2. the chief representative and the representatives of the resident representative offices in China of foreign enterprises. PART THREE APPLICATION, EXAMINATION AND APPROVAL Article 11 To hire a foreigner, the employing unit must complete an Application Form for the Employment of a Foreigner (hereafter “Application Form”), submit an application to its authority in charge of the industry at the same level as the labour administration authority in charge (hereafter “Authority in Charge of the Industry”) and provide the following valid documents: 1. evidence of the education and work experience of the proposed foreign employee; 2. a letter of intent to hire; 3. a report on the reason for proposing to hire a foreigner; 4. evidence of the qualifications of the proposed foreign employee to engage in such work; 5. evidence of the state of health of the proposed foreign employee; and 6. other documents specified in laws and regulations. The Authority in Charge of the Industry shall carry out examination and approval in accordance with Article 6 and Article 7 hereof and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations. Article 12 After approval by the Authority in Charge of the Industry, an employing unit shall take the Application Form to the labour administration authority of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government or the labour administration authority at the regional and municipal level authorized by such authority where such unit is located and carry out approval procedures. The labour administration authority of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government or the labour administration authority at the regional or municipal level authorized by such authority shall designate a specialist authority (hereafter “Permit Issuing Authority”) to be specifically responsible for the issue of Permits. The Permit Issuing Authority shall carry out approval in accordance with the opinions of the Authority in Charge of the Industry and situation in respect of the demands of the labour market, and shall issue a Permit to the employing unit after approval. Article 13 When an employing unit at the central government level or an employing unit with no Authority in Charge of the Industry hires a foreigner, such unit may proceed directly to the Permit Issuing Authority of the labour administration authority to submit an application and carry out procedures in respect of a work permit. The employment of foreigners by foreign investment enterprises is not subject to examination and approval by the Authority in Charge of the Industry. A foreign investment enterprise may proceed directly to the Permit Issuing Authority of the labour administration authority and obtain a Permit on the strength of its Contract, Articles of Association, Approval Certificate, Business Licence and other documents as specified in Article 11 hereof. Article 14 The authorized unit must send the visa notification and Permit to the proposed foreign employee. An employing unit approved to hire foreigners may not directly issue a Permit to a proposed foreign employee. Article 15 A foreigner whose employment in China has been approved shall proceed to a Chinese embassy, consulate or consular office abroad and apply for a work visa on the strength of the Permit issued by the Ministry of Labour, the letter or telegram of notification from the authorized unit and a valid passport or Passport Substitute Documents of his or her country. Persons who conform to the provisions of section (1) of Article 9 hereof shall apply for a work visa on the strength of the letter or telegram of notification of the authorized unit. Persons who conform to the provisions of section (2) of Article 9 hereof shall apply for a work visa on the strength of the letter or telegram of notification issued by the China National Offshore Oil Corporation. Persons who conform to the provisions of section (3) of Article 9 hereof shall apply for a work visa on the strength of the letter or telegram of notification of the foreign affairs office of the People's Government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government and the approval document of the Ministry of Culture (issued through the relevant embassy, consulate or consular office abroad). Persons who conform to the provisions of section (1) of Article 10 hereof shall apply for a work visa on the strength of the letter or telegram of notification of the authorized unit and the document concerning the co-operative exchange project. Persons who conform to the provisions of section (2) of Article 10 hereof shall apply for a work visa on the strength of the letter or telegram of notification of the authorized unit and evidence of registration of the administration for industry and commerce authority. Article 16 Within 15 days from the date that a foreign employee has entered the People's Republic of China, the employing unit shall proceed to the original Permit Issuing Authority with the Permit, the labour contract entered into with the foreign employee and his or her valid passport or Passport Substitution Documents to obtain an Employment Certificate for the foreigner and complete a Registration Form for Employment of Foreigners. Employment Certificates shall be valid only within the region specified by the Permit Issuing Authority. Article 17 Foreigners who have obtained an Employment Certificate shall take their Employment Certificate to the public security authority and apply for residence permits within 30 days after entering the People's Republic of China. The term of effectiveness of the residence permit may be determined in accordance with the term of effectiveness of the Employment Certificate. PART FOUR LABOUR MANAGEMENT Article 18 Employing units shall enter into labour contracts with foreign employees according to law. The maximum term of the labour contract may not exceed five years. The labour contract shall terminate upon expiration of its term, but may be extended after performing the examination and approval procedures as specified in Article 19 hereof. Article 19 The Employment Certificate shall expire upon expiration of the term of the labour contract entered into by the foreign employee and the employing unit. If an extension is required, the said employing unit shall submit an application for extension of the employment term to the labour administration authority within 30 days prior to the expiration of the original contract and, upon approval, shall carry out procedures for extension of the Employment Certificate. Article 20 Within 10 days after extension of the term of employment in China or change in the region or unit of employment of a foreigner has been approved, the foreigner shall proceed to the local public security authority to carry out procedures in respect of extension or amendment of his or her residence documents. Article 21 An employing unit shall promptly report rescission of the labour contract between a foreign employee and the employing unit to the labour and public security authorities, return the Employment Certificate and residence documents, and proceed to the public security authority to carry out procedures in respect of leaving the People's Republic of China. Article 22 Wages paid to the foreign employee by the employing unit may not be lower than the local minimum wage standard. Article 23 Working hours, rest, holidays, labour safety and hygiene and social insurance of foreigners employed in China shall be handled in accordance with relevant state regulations. Article 24 The employing unit of a foreigner employed in China must be the same as the unit specified in his or her Employment Certificate. A foreigner who changes his or her employing unit within the region specified by the Permit Issuing Authority but continues to engage in the original occupation must obtain the approval of the original Permit Issuing Authority and carry out procedures for amendment of his or her Employment Certificate. A foreigner who leaves the employment region specified by the Permit Issuing Authority or changes his or her employing unit and engages in a different occupation within the specified region must carry out procedures for an employment permit anew. Article 25 If the resident status of a foreigner is revoked by the Chinese public security authorities due to violation of Chinese laws, the employing unit shall rescind the labour contract and the labour authority shall cancel the Employment Certificate. Article 26 Labour disputes which arise between the employing unit and the foreign employee shall be handled in accordance with the PRC, Labour Law and the PRC, Handling of Labour Disputes in Enterprises Regulations. Article 27 The labour administration authority shall carry out an annual inspection of Employment Certificates. Within 30 days prior to the end of each full year of employment of a foreigner, the employing unit shall proceed to the Permit Issuing Authority of the labour administration authority to carry out procedures in respect of the annual inspection of the Employment Certificate on behalf of the foreign employee. If this term is exceeded, the Employment Certificate shall automatically become ineffective. If the Employment Certificate of a foreigner is lost or damaged during the period of his or her employment in China, such foreigner shall proceed immediately to the original Permit Issuing Authority to carry out procedures in respect of reporting the loss of, replacement or exchange of the Certificate. PART FIVE PENALTIES Article 28 If a foreigner fails to obtain an Employment Certificate and obtains employment without authorization, or an employing unit fails to obtain a Permit and employs a foreigner without authorization in violation of these Regulations, the public security authorities shall handle the matter in accordance with Article 44 of the PRC, Control of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners Law Implementing Rules. Article 29 The labour administration authority shall recover the Employment Certificate, and request the public security authorities to rescind the resident status of a foreigner who refuses inspection of his or her Employment Certificate by the labour administration authorities, or changes his or her employing unit or occupation or extends the term of his or her employment without authorization. If a foreigner has to be deported by such authority, deportation expenses shall be borne by the employing unit or by such foreigner. Article 30 If a foreigner or an employing unit falsifies, alters, misuses, assigns, buys or sells an Employment Certificate or Permit, the labour administration authority shall recover the Employment Certificate or Permit, confiscate the illegal income and impose a fine of not less than Rmb 10,000 and not more than Rmb 100,000. In serious cases where a criminal offence is constituted, the matter shall be handed over to the judicial authorities, and criminal liability shall be pursued according to law. Article 31 If the working personnel of the Permit Issuing Authority or the relevant authorities abuse their functions and powers, collect fees illegally or practice graft and a criminal offence is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued according to law. If no criminal offence is constituted, administrative penalties shall be imposed. PART SIX SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS Article 32 The employment in mainland China of residents of the Chinese regions of Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao shall be handled in accordance with the Administration of the Employment in Mainland China of Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao Residents Regulations. Article 33 These Regulations do not apply to the employment of foreigners in the Chinese regions of Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao. Article 34 The employment of foreigners by individual economic organizations and individual citizens is prohibited. Article 35 The labour administration authorities of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government may formulate detailed implementing rules for their region pursuant to these Regulations together with the public security authorities, and submit the same to the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation for the record. Article 36 These Regulations shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Labour. Article 37 These Regulations shall be implemented from 1 May 1996. The Concerning Employment in China of Foreigners Who Have Not Obtained Residence Documents and of Foreigners Studying in China Several Regulations promulgated on 5 October 1987 by the former Ministry of Labour and Personnel and the Ministry of Public Security shall be repealed on the same date. 外国人在中国就业管理规定 第一章 总 则 第一条 为加强外国人在中国就业的管理,根据有关法律、法规的规定,制定本规定。 第二条 本规定所称外国人,指依照《中华人民共和国国籍法》规定不具有中国国籍的人员。 本规定所称外国人在中国就业,指没有取得定居权的外国人在中国境内依法从事社会劳动并获取劳动报酬的行为。 第三条 本规定适用于在中国境内就业的外国人和聘用外国人的用人单位。 本规定不适用于外国驻华使、领馆和联合国驻华代表机构、其他国际组织中享有外交特权与豁免的人员。 第四条 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府劳动行政部门及其授权的地市级劳动行政部门负责外国人在中国就业的管理。 第二章 就业许可 第五条 用人单位聘用外国人须为该外国人申请就业许可,经获准并取得《中华人民共和国外国人就业许可证书》(以下简称许可证书)后方可聘用。 第六条 用人单位聘用外国人从事的岗位应是有特殊需要,国内暂缺适当人选,且不违反国家有关规定的岗位。 用人单位不得聘用外国人从事营业性文艺演出,但符合本规定第九条第三项规定的人员除外。 第七条 外国人在中国就业须具备下列条件: (一)年满18周岁,身体健康; (二)具有从事其工作所必须的专业技能和相应的工作经历; (三)无犯罪记录; (四)有确定的聘用单位; (五)持有有效护照或能代替护照的其他国际旅行证件(以下简称代替护照的证件)。 第八条 在中国就业的外国人应持职业签证入境(有互免签证协议的,按协议办理),入境后取得《外国人就业证》(以下简称就业证)和外国人居留证件,方可在中国境内就业。 未取得居留证件的外国人(即持F、L、C、G字签证者)、在中国留学、实习的外国人及持职业签证外国人的随行家属不得在中国就业。特殊情况,应由用人单位按本规定规定的审批程序申领许可证书,被聘用的外国人凭许可证书到公安机关改变身份,办理就业证、居留证后方可就业。 外国驻中国使、领馆和联合国系统、其他国际组织驻中国代表机构人员的配偶在中国就业,应按《中华人民共和国外交部关于外国驻中国使领馆和联合国系统组织驻中国代表机构人员的配偶在中国任职的规定》执行,并按本条第二款规定的审批程序办理有关手续。 许可证书和就业证由劳动部统一制作。 第九条 凡符合下列条件之一的外国人可免办就业许可和就业证: (一)由我政府直接出资聘请的外籍专业技术和管理人员,或由国家机关和事业单位出资聘请,具有本国或国际权威技术管理部门或行业协会确认的高级技术职称或特殊技能资格证书的外籍专业技术和管理人员,并持有外国专家局签发的《外国专家证》的外国人; (二)持有《外国人在中华人民共和国从事海上石油作业工作准证》从事海上石油作业、不需登陆、有特殊技能的外籍劳务人员; (三)经文化部批准持《临时营业演出许可证》进行营业性文艺演出的外国人。 第十条 凡符合下列条件之一的外国人可免办许可证书,入境后凭职业签证及有关证明直接办理就业证: (一)按照我国与外国政府间、国际组织间协议、协定,执行中外合作交流项目受聘来中国工作的外国人; (二)外国企业常驻中国代表机构中的首席代表、代表。 第三章 申请与审批 第十一条 用人单位聘用外国人,须填写《聘用外国人就业申请表》(以下简称申请表),向其与劳动行政主管部门同级的行业主管部门(以下简称行业主管部门)提出申请,并提供下列有效文件: (一)拟聘用的外国人履历证明; (二)聘用意向书; (三)拟聘用外国人原因的报告; (四)拟聘用的外国人从事该项工作的资格证明; (五)拟聘用的外国人健康状况证明。 (六)法律、法规规定的其他文件。 行业主管部门应按照本规定第六条、第七条及有关法律、法规的规定进行审批。 第十二条 经行业主管部门批准后,用人单位应持申请表到本单位所在地区的省、自治区、直辖市劳动行政部门或其授权的地市级劳动行政部门办理核准手续。省、自治区、直辖市劳动行政部门或授权的地市级劳动行政部门应指定专门机构(以下简称发证机关)具体负责签发许可证书工作。发证机关应根据行业主管部门的意见和劳动力市场的需求状况进行核准,并在核准后向用人单位签发许可证书。 第十三条 中央级用人单位、无行业主管部门的用人单位聘用外国人,可直接到劳动行政部门发证机关提出申请和办理就业许可手续。 外商投资企业聘雇外国人,无须行业主管部门审批,可凭合同、章程、批准证书、营业执照和本规定第十一条所规定的文件直接到劳动行政部门发证机关申领许可证书。 第十四条 获准聘用外国人的用人单位,须由被授权单位向拟聘用的外国人发出通知签证函及许可证书,不得直接向拟聘用的外国人发出许可证书。 第十五条 获准来中国就业的外国人,应凭劳动部签发的许可证书、被授权单位的通知函电及本国有效护照或能代替护照的证件,到中国驻外使、领馆、处申请职业签证。 凡符合本规定第九条第一项规定的人员,应凭被授权单位的通知函电申请职业签证;凡符合第九条第二项规定的人员,应凭中国海洋石油总公司签发的通知函电申请职业签证;凡符合第九条第三项规定的人员,应凭有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府外事办公室的通知函电和文化部的批件(径发有关驻外使、领馆处)申请职业签证。 凡符合本规定第十条第一款规定的人员,应凭被授权单位的通知函电和交流项目书申请职业签证;凡符合第十条第二项规定的人员,应凭被授权单位的通知函电和工商行政管理部门的登记证明申请职业签证。 第十六条 用人单位应在被聘用的外国人入境后十五日内,持许可证书、与被聘用的外国人签订的劳动合同及其有效护照或能代替护照的证件到原发证机关为外国人办理就业证,并填写《外国人就业登记表》。 就业证只在发证机关规定的区域内有效。 第十七条 已办理就业证的外国人,应在入境后三十日内,持就业证到公安机关申请办理居留证。居留证件的有效期限可根据就业证的有效期确定。 第四章 劳动管理 第十八条 用人单位与被聘用的外国人应依法订立劳动合同。劳动合同的期限最长不得超过五年。劳动合同期限届满即行终止,但按本规定第十九条的规定履行审批手续后可以续订。 第十九条 被聘用的外国人与用人单位签订的劳动合同期满时,其就业证即行失效。如需续订,该用人单位应在原合同期满前三十日内,向劳动行政部门提出延长聘用时间的申请,经批准并办理就业延期手续。 第二十条 外国人被批准延长在中国就业期限或变更就业区域、单位后,应在十日内到当地公安机关办理居留证件延期或变更手续。 第二十一条 被聘用的外国人与用人单位的劳动合同被解除后,该用人单位应及时报告劳动、公安部门,交还该外国人的就业证和居留证件,并到公安机关办理出境手续。 第二十二条 用人单位支付所聘用外国人的工资不得低于当地最低工资标准。 第二十三条 在中国就业的外国人的工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生以及社会保险按国家有关规定执行。 第二十四条 外国人在中国就业的用人单位必须与其就业证所注明的单位相一致。 外国人在发证机关规定的区域内变更用人单位但仍从事原职业的,须经原发证机关批准,并办理就业证变更手续。 外国人离开发证机关规定的区域就业或在原规定的区域内变更用人单位且从事不同职业的,须重新办理就业许可手续。 第二十五条 因违反中国法律被中国公安机关取消居留资格的外国人,用人单位应解除劳动合同,劳动部门应吊销就业证。 第二十六条 用人单位与被聘用的外国人发生劳动争议,应按照《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《中华人民共和国企业劳动争议处理条例》处理。 第二十七条 劳动行政部门对就业证实行年检。用人单位聘用外国人就业每满一年,应在期满前三十日内到劳动行政部门发证机关为被聘用的外国人办理就业证年检手续。逾期未办的,就业证自行失效。 外国人在中国就业期间遗失或损坏其就业证的,应立即到原发证机关办理挂失、补办或换证手续。 第五章 罚 则 第二十八条 对违反本规定未申领就业证擅自就业的外国人和未办理许可证书擅自聘用外国人的用人单位,由公安机关按《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则》第四十四条处理。 第二十九条 对拒绝劳动行政部门检查就业证、擅自变更用人单位、擅自更换职业、擅自延长就业期限的外国人,由劳动行政部门收回其就业证,并提请公安机关取消其居留资格。对需该机关遣送出境的,遣送费用由聘用单位或该外国人承担。 第三十条 对伪造、涂改、冒用、转让、买卖就业证和许可证书的外国人和用人单位,由劳动行政部门收缴就业证和许可证书,没收其非法所得,并处以一万元以上十万元以下的罚款;情节严重构成犯罪的,移送司法机关依法追究刑事责任。 第三十一条 发证机关或者有关部门的工作人员滥用职权、非法收费、徇私舞弊,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;不构成犯罪的,给予行政处分。 第六章 附 则 第三十二条 中国的台湾和香港、澳门地区居民在内地就业按《台湾和香港、澳门居民在内地就业管理规定》执行。 第三十三条 外国人在中国的台湾和香港、澳门地区就业不适用本规定。 第三十四条 禁止个体经济组织和公民个人聘用外国人。 第三十五条 省、自治区、直辖市劳动行政部门可会同公安等部门依据本规定制定本地区的实施细则,并报劳动部、公安部、外交部、对外贸易经济合作部备案。 第三十六条 本规定由劳动部解释。 第三十七条 本规定自1996年5月1日起施行。原劳动人事部和公安部1987年10月5日颁发的《关于未取得居留证件的外国人和来中国留学的外国人在中国就业的若干规定》同时废止。